Chapter Four

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I really have no idea why he was waiting for Emily. Or why Lauren said he's been coming all the way out here to spend the weekends with her. I mean, she said he's been coming out here for while. Why would he do that when we just broke up not even two weeks ago? Was he coming out here even we were dating? Is that why he was always gone? C o o l

I turned back over to Cameron, Shelby and Lauren, but only Lauren was there. 

"Um, Lauren... Where's Cameron?"

"You didn't hear him?"


"Him and Shelby are going to keep looking for Callie."


"I can't believe you didn't hear him. He told you like twice."

Lauren said starting to laugh. What was so funny about that? Why would Cameron just leave me?

"Oh. Well, I guess we should start looking, too."

I said, looking around to see if I could see Cameron anywhere in sight.. but I couldn't. How long ago could they have left without me noticing? 


I heard from a distance. I really hoped it was Cameron or Nash... I turned over to the voice, but it wasn't either of them. It was.. 


"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm here meeting a .... um a friend."

"Awesome. We have to go" 

"Can we talk?"

"You look a little busy"

I said, I could feel a tear come from my eye. Was he being serious? How dumb does he think I am? 


he said grabbing my arm, and turning me around 

"It's not what you think!"

"Really, Zach? Just leave me alone"

I said, trying to pull my arm away, but he just tightened his grip. 

"Savannah, talk to me"

"I don't want to talk to you."

"Can I call you later?"

"I'd rather you don't"


"Whatever, Zach. I have to go."

I said, pulling my arm away and walking in the other direction with Lauren. 

"Savannah, you know him?"

"I'd rather not talk about it."

"Oh.. ok. It's fine"

"Ok well we used to date for 9 months. and at school we got these new students, and one of them was a girl. and well after like two weeks she started to going to our school, um Zach I guess started messing around with her, and I walked into Biology because I needed to talk to the teacher, but he wasn't at his desk, so I started to look around the class room and saw Zach and the girl. They were too busy doing what they were doing, they didn't even hear me walk in so I just left without saying anything and yeah. I waited a week for him to tell me, but he didn't and then all of a sudden he broke up with me, and yeah.  After we broke up I just avoided him completely. He's been trying to talk to me everyday since he broke up with me, but I just ignored him. I tried so hard getting over him, I couldn't talk to him. Well, until yesterday. I was late getting to school and well I was running down the hallway and I ran into him and so we just started talking because it would be kind of hard to ignore him when hes right there, and wow he just looked so perfect and I missed him and needed to talk to him so I did. Then he said he wanted to talk about 'us' when I got back from being with friends for awhile and stupid me said yes. Of course I said yes, a part of me still was in love with him and wanted things to go back to how they were. But the other part of me was telling me to say no, slap him and walk away. But I just couldn't and then last night he called me and told me he loved me and I couldn't stop thinking about him all night and all today and then now I see him with her and it just broke me completely."

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