Chapter Three

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The cool weather caused Rah to turn down the air conditioner in the car as he sped down the long road that led straight to the hospital where Phebe's dad was. For the past ten minutes they had been in the car she had barley uttered a word to him and he wasn't making much of an effort. He didn't know what it was about her that made him want to just be around her, that made him go down to human resources and find out about her. He couldn't attribute it to anything in particular and if anyone should ask him what exactly he felt he wouldn't even know how to explain it, even to himself.

The silence in the car was becoming almost tangible that he almost felt he could touch it. His first instinct was to turn on the radio or play some music but he felt it would seem like an obvious attempt to break the silence between them. He stole glances at her and all the while her head was faced to the window and she was just staring out into the streets. Her lips were moving but no words were coming out and he could tell she was scared.

"I am sure he is fine." He said to her still looking at her and ignoring the road ahead.

"He has to be." Her words were so low he almost couldn't make out what's she said. She continued mumbling words beneath her breathe and assuming she was praying he let her be.

Once they had approached the hospital, he pulled into the drive way and found a spot closet to the hospital entrance. Before he could turn off the engine she had flown out of the car and ran to an elderly woman who was standing by the hospital reception. He assumed she was Phebe's mum because of the way Phebe flog her arms round her. Several moments went by and he saw the two women talk intently. He decided to observe from the car because he wasn't so sure if he should stick around or just drive away. When he saw both woman look in his direction and say something he decided to step out of the car and walk towards them.

"Good evening ma." His greetings were directed to Phebe's mum but all the while his eyes were on Phebe. Her eyes were blood shot red like she just finished crying and he could see her hands were trembling. She barely made eye contact with him and he didn't know where the need welled up from but he felt like holding and comforting her instead he just stood there with his hands in his pocket and looked at her.

"Thanks for bringing my daughter here. I am so grateful." Phebe's mum placed both her hands on his as she showed her deepest appreciation.

"Oh it was no problem ma, it was on my way actually."

Phebe's head shot up so quickly he thought it would fall off. He knew she knew he was lying and her eyes told him she really didn't understand why. Not wanting to intrude on their family time her said his goodbyes and left the two women standing there holding each other.

As he got into his car and pulled out of the hospital he realized this was so unlike him. It was like he had morphed into something else. He didn't know her but he wanted to. She didn't know him but he wanted to be there for her. With the wealth of knowledge he had he couldn't explain what was going on in his heart and in his head but something was going on and it was definitely different from anything he had ever felt before.

"What are you doing to me Phebe?"

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Phebe leaned against her mum as she ate the plantain chips they had just bought from the hospital tuck shop, waiting for any news about her dad.

"I know the doctors said its bad but he is going to be fine. He is a fighter Phebe."

"I just want him to get better. Each time he has a heart attack I just fear it would be his last. I can't lose my dad. I can't lose both my parents."

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