Chapter Fifteen

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Rah hated shopping and he hated last minute shopping even more. It was the 24th of December and though most shops tried to restock for the holidays many of the shelves were already empty and it made him angry. This was the third store he had been to and each one took him farther away from his house. If he didn't find anything here he was just going to call it quits and head home.

He made his way to the children's section and thankfully there were a few things that looked reasonable enough to buy. He picked up a cute baby doll for Roxanne and a Ben 10 school bag for Raymond, he hoped these were still in style.

The next thing on his list was to get his sister something and was probably going to be the hardest of all, maybe he would just get her body cream or something, she would have to understand that he is a man and this was not his strongest point. As he impatiently wheeled his shopping cart into the women's section, there was Phebe holding what looked like a perfume, intently reading the back. He wheeled his cart closer to her but she didn't look up, it was as though what she was reading would qualify her for some exam. She had her basket held securely in her left hand while the bottle was in her right. She had on a simple maxi gown and her braids just like they were in the morning lay low against her waist, she looked stunning. He stopped and watched her for a few seconds as she put the bottle in her hand down and picked up another. Feeling he was becoming creepy he decided to make his presence known.


Her head shot up instantly and from the look on her face it seemed as if she would have run away if she had an opening but instead she smiled and replied politely.


"Glad you are back, how are you doing?"

"I'm good, I'm really good."

"And how's your mum?"

"She's great." He didn't know what he was expecting, it wasn't as if she was going to pour out her heart to him or something. "I wanted to tell you thank you."

"For what?" He knew what for but he wanted her to say it, he just wanted her to talk to him.

"Well I came back after a month and I am still employed, it was all you so thank you."

"I was happy to do it."

"Why? Because I am your employee and your responsibility?"

"No, because you are my friend." He released his hand from his cart and walked towards her. "I know I am an egotistic idiot but I don't want to be like that with you and you are the very last person I want to see me like that."

Her gaze fell away from him and she returned the bottle in her hand back on the shelf, doing everything to distract herself from him. "Why do you care what I think?" She asked still not looking at him.

"I care because...I care because I care about you and I know I have done a lousy job of showing it but you have to understand Phebe I am out of my comfort zone here but I am willing to be for you. I know you are mourning your dad and this is the wrong time to bring this up but..." He lifted her chin up with this hand so she was looking at him. "I like you, I really do. I have liked you since the first day we met and despite my greatest efforts I can't seem to get you out of my mind."

He wanted her so desperately to say something so he wouldn't feel foolish pouring out his heart like this and when a smile spread across her lips he could breathe a little bit easy.

"So, what are we going to do about that?" There was a flirty twinkle in her eyes which almost threw him off his game, if he had any.

"Well, I would love to go on another date with you...and I promise to call afterwards." He quickly chipped in which made her smile widen.

"I think I would like that." Rah did a mental hi-five with himself while still smiling at her so she would know how happy her answer had made him.

"What exactly are you doing here?" She asked pointing at the sign which hung above them indicating it was the women's section. "Don't tell me you have a wife stashed somewhere and you are secretly shopping for her." She looked behind him at his cart. "And children if I may add?" One of her eye brows was raised as she awaited his answer.

"It's for my sister and her two children. I haven't gotten her anything and I am not sure what to get. All these lady stuff is confusing." He said pointing at all the products on the shelves.

"First tip always shop early so you can take your time and get something special and second of all be glad you have me. I love shopping!"

She turned around and began walking down the aisle rapping on about different products and why he should and shouldn't get them. It was when she turned around and clapped her hands at him that he realized he had not moved from his spot.

"Chop chop Rah, we don't have all night!" She said clapping her hands and bringing him back to consciousness.

"Yes madam!" He quickly pushed his cart and made his way to her side and they were together, talking, laughing until the store closed for the night.

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