Chapter Sixteen

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Phebe's mum's new apartment was lavishly decorated with Christmas ornaments and the house was filled with the scent of freshly baked cakes and steamy hot rice just the way Phebe liked it. They had stayed up late all night decorating the house and when they were done they watched an old Christmas movie till they eventually fell asleep in the living room. This Christmas held a lot of firsts for them. Her father would always hang up the lights and set up the tree but this time they had to do it alone and a few times Phebe had caught her mums eyes get moist with tears but somehow, they made it through and now it was Christmas morning.

Phebe let a few Christmas songs play out in the background as they set up the table. She hadn't realized she had set up three places until she was done and as she was about to clear up the one she set for her dad, her mum walked in. Phebe stared at her to see what emotions she would show instead her mum smiled and came over to her side and placed her arms around her.

"I know it would take a lot of getting used to. It's just so strange not having him here anymore. Sometimes I roll over to his side at night and when I can't feel him there I just tell myself he is in the bathroom and he would be back very soon but he isn't back yet peaches." This time tears began to roll down her mum's cheeks. "He hasn't come back to me Phebe and I miss him a lot."

Phebe pulled her mum into a tight embrace because she understood what she was feeling she still dialled her dad and it was when he didn't answer that it would hit her again that he was gone from her life, from both their lives.

"It's ok mum, we still have each other and I am not an orphan today because of you. He might be gone but I am still here and I am never leaving you."

"I love you peaches!"

"I love you too mum." She planted a soft loving kiss on her mum's forehead and they both went into the kitchen to complete their lovely Christmas meal.

Her first Christmas without her father.

^ ^ ^

"I think we are all set." Chioma said standing in the middle of her living room, her hair in a hot mess and her apron stained with different assortments of food. Rah just sat there on the couch sipping one of her famous Christmas concussions and watched, amused at how hard she tried to make sure everything was perfect. She looked like she had barely gotten any sleep but he knew that all she needed was five minutes and she would look like an angel freshly dropped out of heaven. It was like magic!

"Come on sis, everything is prefect!"

"Yeah, you are just saying that because you are hungry and can't wait to pounce on the food, trust me I have been hearing your tummy growling since." She said not looking at him till examining everything to give it her 100% certified approval.

"Ok you got me I am hungry so can we eat?"

Chioma ignored him and turned towards the staircase. "John? Hope the kids are getting ready? You better not be up there watching TV!" She was like a tiger and Rah decided to give her space before she chopped his head off so he kept his growling stomach to himself.

In no time all was set and they were sitted around the table. If it wasn't for his sister Rah was sure he would be at home now or in the office working. She was the only semblance of normalcy he had and each year on the 25th, he was happy to have that normalcy.

"I will like to make a toast." Chioma said and rose from her seat. Rah shot her the deadliest glare because he knew she knew he was starving instead she winked at him and continued with her toast. "I will first like to thank God for each and every one of us seeing today. There have been tough times this year but he saw us through. I would love to thank my wonderful husband for his love and support every day. You have been my greatest supporter, you kept injecting funds into my boutique even when it seemed futile and I love you for that because I wouldn't be where I am today if not for you believing in me and my two lovely children Raymond and Roxanne." Raymond lifted his eyes to her and smiled while little Roxanne was busy laughing and playing with the table cloth in front of her unaware of what was going on around her. "I love the two of you so much. You both are the two greatest gifts God ever gave me and I am grateful for you and to my not so little but little bro, you are amazing. I am proud of your success and how far you have come in life. I know all you have been through and I thank God for making you that man you are today." Her eyes grew a little damp as she said the last part and Rah's heart could not help but warm up at that gesture. "I think I have said enough I'm you all are already hungry. I love you guys so much."

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