Chapter Nine

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The cold, dry air hit Phebe on her face and it made her nose twitch. Her first instinct was to get up from her bed and shut the window but her body refused to move so she pulled her cosy duvet over her head. Her phone vibrated twice on her night stand and she chose to ignore it until it vibrated yet again.

"Ugh!" she forced herself off the bed and reached for her phone. She went into panic mode when she saw ten missed calls and three messages from her mum. She tapped the dancing envelope on her screen to open her mum's messages.




Her phone almost fell from her hand as she read and read and read the last message over and over again. Her dad got a new heart. Not minding the cold any more she jumped from her bed and did a happy dance around her room. Remembering she had to call her mum she paused her dancing.

"Hello mum...yeah I got your message....sure. Of course, I am on my way....yes we thank God....see you in 20 you too."

She got up and continued her happy dance, screaming at her loudest voice not minding who could hear her. Whoever said prayers cannot be answered better come and hear her family's testimony.

In less than ten minutes she had taken her bath, shivering from the cold but the joy within her keeping her warm and in no time at all she was on a bus heading to see her dad, she couldn't wait to see him, hug and tell him that this time God answered her prayers and gave it to her in the package she wanted.

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Phebe walked into the hospital cheerfully greeting everyone and she was sure she didn't know any of them but she had enough joy to spread around today. When she got to the floor where her dad was, she saw her mum sitting in the waiting area and as if her mum knew when she came in she lifted her head.

Phebe ran and threw herself in her mum's arms not minding those who might be watching. She was in a kneeling position as her mum gently caressed her hair. Her head was resting on her mum's bible which was reading right before Phebe walked in. "Hello baby girl!"

"Hi mum." She lifted her face and her mum used one of her fingers to catch a tear that now fell done her cheeks.

"Peaches, our times of crying are over." Her mum tapped the sit beside her and Phebe sat there still holding on to her mum's arms and resting against her.

"I am just so happy mum, all of this will soon end."

"Yes dear it will."

"So what happened?"

"I don't know, it's just God favour. The doctor came very early this morning and said they had a heart and he was a perfect match. With his consent they arranged the surgery for this afternoon."

"This is incredible mum!"

"No one is happier than I am peaches, this whole thing has drained both your dad and I's savings. We barely have enough to get by and once we can pass this surgery hurdle we are home free."

"Mum you didn't tell me you had money issues? I can help out and even if I don't have enough I can find a way to raise it."

Her mum held both of Phebe's hands in between hers. "Don't worry peaches your dad and I will be fine. We still have some money left."

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