Chapter 8

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The blazing sun against Rah's fore head reminded him that he either had to find shade somewhere or risk being turned into an omelette. His driver had packed his car not too far away and all he needed was to knock on his sister's gate and stop standing there like a zombie. Just as he was about to finally knock on the gate, it opened and his sister emerged from the other side.

"Oh hey Rah! You scared me a bit. What's up?"

"Just came to see you guys off, if I am not going the least I can go is be here when you guys are."

"You didn't have to, seriously."

"I didn't have to but I wanted to." He helped her take the bags in her hand to their car which was packed right in front of the gate.

"Thanks a lot, so how are you?"

His answer was interrupted by his little nephew who was practically flying towards them. "Uncle Chuks!" he jumped into Rah's hand and he turned him around making the little boy squeal in excitement.

"How are you Tiger?"

"I'm fine." Raymond said burying his head in his Uncle's chest.

"Hope you take care of mummy huh?" He nodded in response. "And your baby sister?"

"Yes but she cries."

"And you used to cry a lot too when you were really small." Rah said tickling him causing the little boy to giggle and hop around in his arms.

"Alright Raymond go help daddy with the remaining bags."

"Ok mummy!" He leaped out of Rah's hand and ran back through the gate into the house.

"You guys are all set to go right?"

"Yep! Just a few more bags."

"And I hope mummy isn't angry because I haven't spoken to her since I said I won't be coming. I think she is dodging my calls."

"Mum was the only family aunty Chinyere had so she is swamped with the burial arrangements and besides even if she is angry she will soon get over it."

"Alright then let me let you get back to packing. Kiss Roxanne for me."

"I will, are you sure you are fine Rah? You don't seem like yourself. You didn't just come all the way here just to tell us good bye. I know you and I know you do not miss work for anything!"

"Aside the fact that I barely slept last night, I am fine."

She looked at him still sceptical about his behaviour, she couldn't figure it out because he too didn't know exactly why he came all the way here.

"I will see you when you get back Rah, until then please take care of yourself."

Rah hugged her instead of making promises he knew he might not be able to keep. "I know you will be fine because I am praying for you, every day. You will be fine Rah." She whispered in his ear and it was as if she was talking directly to his heart.

"Have a safe trip sis."

She went back into the house to get more bags to load in the car and just as she was going in her husband was coming out.

"Hey man!" he said shaking Rah's hand after he dropped the heavy bags in his hands in the car

"Hey, how's everything going"?"

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