Chapter Fourteen

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It was almost a month since Phebe had been away and Rah still found himself looking around for her. Since his conversation with her in the car it was as though she had fallen off the face of earth and even Liz didn't know where she was and he knew that because he asked her every day and had even threatened her with her job if she was hiding anything from him.

He had to be given credit for trying to forget her. He had gone on two dates since she had disappeared with his former girlfriend but on their first date he faked a business emergency and ran off and the second time he just faked food poisoning and he was completely sure she did not believe him but he didn't care. He didn't care about anyone or anything but Phebe. He knew he wouldn't be fine until he knew she was.

Every project he was working on was left in the hands of his vice-president and he was basically there to sign off documents and several times he had contemplated just staying at home. He had called his sister that morning before he left home because he needed someone to tell him he wasn't going crazy or he hadn't become a mad man.

"Oh, Rah you are not crazy. She was special for you to be in this state and you may not want to hear this but I am happy for you. For a moment there I thought you were incapable of love or any emotion."

"I never said I loved her sis and by the way I love you and my little niece and nephew, those are emotions."

"Well I mean anyone outside our family and yes Rah, you do love her. You just don't know it."

"I called you to help me make sense of all the things I am feeling and not add more to it, please sis."

"Now listen to me Rah. If she really is the one, she will come back and you will have another chance to get it right but in the mean time you can't put your life on hold. Your company needs you so you cannot afford to be anything other than the awesome man you are, the amazing brother that I know and love and it may take a while for her to see it, like it takes everyone but she will and I am sure she will love you as much as I do but you have to keep living your life so when she eventually returns you can be ready for her."

"Thank sis."

"Anytime but now I have to go. Roxanne has been running temperature all morning so I have to take her to the doctor."

"Please give her a kiss for me and that reminds me I haven't bought their Christmas gifts and this time I am picking it out myself."

"Hallelujah! Because last year Kate bought Raymond a sports jersey that he probably won't grow into till he is fifteen and bought little Roxanne make-up! Make-up Rah, can you believe it?"

"That's why I want to do the shopping this year, get them something special."

"Well that will be lovely, take care of yourself Rah and we'll talk later ok and by the way will you be coming over for Christmas this year?"

"Of course! Who else will I spend it with?"

"Phebe?" She said it in a playful tone and he could hear her laughing her lungs out.

"Good bye sis, love you."

"Love you too baby boy."

^ ^ ^

Rah literally had to slap himself out of the rot he was in and gave himself a little pep talk in his restroom and just as he stepped out ready to get to work, Kate barged into his office.

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