Chapter Seven

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The harsh cold harmathan air hit Phebe's face like a thousand sharp pins. She pulled her sweater tighter around her body as she increased her pace to her office building. The change in weather was expected around this period and it seemed even Enugu was not free from its merciless attack. The sudden warmth of the office reception was a welcome relief to Phebe as she made her way to the elevators.

It was precisely three days since her date with Rah and she hadn't even heard a word from him. On a couple occasion she saw him around the office, maybe in the conference room having a meeting or leaving the office. She had thought their date went excellently well as she had been unable to forget it but apparently he didn't share her sentiments but as much as she tried to act like she didn't care she really did and she was hurt.

The moment her feet stepped out of the elevator she was met my Liz.

"How long does it take you to get upstairs?"

"It's cold Liz and the cold makes me slow."

"Ok, sure. Please I need your help, urgently! Mr Jerry gave me some files to update and I totally forgot and he needs a confirmation of the update by lunch so please Phebs if I am to do this today I need your help."

"You know I would do anything for you but I've got a bunch of other stuff I need to take care of too."

"I know, I know and I wouldn't ask if it wasn't so important. Please Phebs, please!" Phebe caused her weak heart that always succumbed to a little pleading here and there.


Liz threw her arms around Phebe almost knocking her off her feet and both girls giggled.

"Thank you so much Phebe you are the best. I will go set up in conference room c so we can start off. Thank you again." Liz turned to head back to her cubicle when she looked back at Phebe. "Are you aright Phebs, you seem off today?"

"It's probably just the weather."

"Alright then see you in five."

Phebe watched her best friend hurry off and she knew she wasn't fine because this was the tenth time she had checked her phone for a call she knew wasn't coming.

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"Oh Phebe I am so very grateful, thanks for all your help. I really couldn't have finished without you!"

"It's ok Liz, l am always happy to help bur right now I am super famished."

"You are the best, seriously!" Liz said putting her arms around Phebe where she sat and gave her a little squeeze.

The door to the conference room opened and both ladies looked up to see who it was.

"Hey Kate!" Phebe greeted her cheerfully.

"Hey ladies! Hope you are done here. Mr Emeka is expecting some big clients and he wants to get them to sign a deal with us before Mr Rah gets back from Abuja, you know to impress him and all." Kate said the words as though it disgusted her.

"He travelled to Abuja?" Phebe asked ignoring the other parts of Kate's sentence.

"Yeah he did, yesterday evening actually for the annual business expo. He should be returning anytime this evening. He will stop by the office by closing hours anyway to do a few things. Back to what I said, please I need the conference room to be free in five minutes."

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