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Phebe could almost hear Katrina and the Wave's 'walking on sunshine' playing around her as she made her way to her office building. She felt overly giddy that she had to remind herself to walk normally and not bounce around like a little girl. The past few days had been amazing; from the amazing Christmas celebration to her awesome date with Rah and their kiss. Thinking about it again gave her shivers, the good kind and she wanted to experience it again and again and again.

She approached the elevator and knew that Liz was waiting on the other side ready to pounce on her with more questions that she couldn't ask during their previous phone conversation and she was anxious to tell her everything.

"Rah?" she wasn't prepared to see him the moment the elevator doors opened and her breath caught in her throat.

"We really have to work on your expressions when you see me Phebe!" His deep, sultry tone coupled with the playful gaze wasn't helping her breath come back. He took her hand in his and pulled her to the corner. "How are you?"

Phebe's gaze fell to her shoes and she imagined the little gold studs on them as little balls of chocolaty fun, anything to avoid looking at him. She was not the boldest person in the world but she had never felt as shy as she did right now in front of Rah.

"Wow! She can't even look me in the eyes." He brought his lips close to her ears so he was whispering in them. "Was the kiss really that bad?"

Phebe's head shot up and her eyes widen in embarrassment and surprise at his statement. He had succeeded in shaking the shyness off her and breaking the awkwardness.

"You are so annoying!" She said and poked him the chest which barely fazed him instead he laughed and pulled her into a quick embrace which made her happy because she didn't want to be the subject of office gossip.

"I am happy, at least I got you to smile."

"Whatever!" Phebe said playfully rolling her eyes at him.

"I am heading out for a meeting, well more like a conference but I was wondering if we can see tonight maybe by 8?"

"I would love nothing more but... I need you to tell me what it was you didn't want to say yesterday. I feel like if we want to go further...with this, whatever this is" She said moving her hands back and forth between them. "I think we should be honest with each other."

"Wow! So, you are going to be like this?" Phebe would have thought maybe he would have been upset but he wasn't, he seemed a bit uneasy but not upset. "Alright then, we would talk when we see tonight."


"Really!" Phebe was scared that bringing it up will soon quickly end what just started between them but it didn't seem to, tonight she would know. "I will call you later and we can make arrangements."

"I would love that!"

Thankfully he didn't kiss her or hug her but simply smiled and walked away. He was perfect, today was perfect and nothing was going to ruin that. That was exactly her thought as she pressed the button that would take her to the third floor.

^ ^ ^

Rah tucked his phone into his trousers as he walked into his house to get ready for his date with Phebe. They had eventually agreed to stay in and eat and it was going to be at her place. He particularly didn't mind as long as he got to spend the evening and every other moment after that with her.

In less than 30 minutes he was casually dressed in his favourite jeans and a navy-blue Ralph Lauren polo. He thought of taking his phone with him but opted to leave it behind because he wanted nothing to ruin his evening, so with one last check of his appearance he took his car keys and left the house.

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