Chapter Six

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"You can do this!" Rah looked at his reflection through the elevator walls as he gave himself a perp talk. "You have spoken to business tycoons, won so many projects that seemed impossible and established this company when you were a sensibly young man. She is just a girl, a really pretty girl but a girl so just walk in there and get it over with."

He had never been nervous for anything in his life, he would walk into meetings with potential clients with nothing but absolute confidence but here he was acting cowardly just because he had to talk to a girl. The elevator doors opened and people came in and came down and he just stood there going along for the ride. His palms became very sweaty and he could feel his shirt begin to stick to his body underneath the suit despite the air conditioning.

When the elevator was finally empty he gave himself one last perp talk and then pressed the button for the floor Phebe worked on. As he stepped out of the elevator he saw people scrambling to their cubicles as if a tyrant had walked in. He ignored them as his sole focus was finding Phebe's cubicle and actually getting his mouth to say words.

Her cubicle wasn't hard to locate as it was one of the first ones anyone would see once they stepped into the large working area. He took quick long strides as he walked to her cubicle and around him people fell silent, some pretending not to watch and others glaring at him probably curious to see where and to whom he was headed. Rah stopped beside her cubicle but was surprised when she didn't raise her head to acknowledge his presence. He cleared his throat in an attempt to get her attention but to no avail that was when he noticed her ear phones plugged in her ears which he guessed where at the highest possible volume. He decided to lightly tap her back which caused her to shoot her head up at the person disturbing her peace and when she saw it was him, he wasn't sure if the look she gave him was an 'I am happy to see you look' or 'what brings you down here to the masses look?'

She quickly unplugged her earphones and greeted him. He cleared his throat but this time it wasn't to get anyone's attention but to clear the knot in his throat so he could say something.

Use your words Rah! Use your words.

"Sorry to disturb you but can I have a word with you." He mentally commended himself for being able to make a decent enough sentence and hoped she would respond quickly so they could escape the prying eyes of everyone which was becoming increasingly uncomfortable.


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Phebe was pretty sure hell had frozen over the moment she lifted up her head and saw Rah standing by her cubicle. He never came down to their floor not to mention coming directly to her cubicle. Maybe he needed something but if he did he would have gone to the HR manager's office. She could feel people watching them as they were as surprised as she was so she quickly responded to him if only to get away from all the glares. He led her to a corner which was towards the rest room, where the photocopier sat. No one could see them unless they wanted to pee or make a photocopy.

She expected him to say something since he had requested her presence but he didn't so she decided to help him out. "Is there something you need that I can help you with....sir."

"Um...yeah sure, there is actually." Was that nervousness she could sense form him? It couldn't be. Rah was the kind of man that could walk into a den of lions and instantly make them feel like they should be subject to him. That was how confident he always was so how come he look like he really needed to use the rest room.

"What is it I can help you with?"

He took a step closer to her as if what he wanted to say was so precious no one should hear it but that singular act of his made her heart skip a thousand beats. She wasn't a short person, at least she was above average but being close to him she felt so small. It wasn't a bad feeling, on the contrary it was the best feeling. His proximity made her get a good whiff of his scent which was playing games with her senses.

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