A freaking what

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"No! Get your shinny aft out, now!"
I had never seen him so frustrated in the time I knew him. Even with the twins it's awful, but this, it tops all.

The other greeted me as they were passing by, it was like being a father to a bunch of grown up men.

If something happens, I had to stop them. I gave them orders, they were following them as their life was depending on it. But only a small bunch of my closes friends were giving me friend time. They were only one talking normally to me and well the autobot.

The twins didn't bother to much about human's, but they did their best not to shoot or kill any, something we all were grateful for.

I am glad they were more happy putting pranks on the other 'bot, and not my people. Well, every one without Optimus Prime, they really looked up to him. Maybe as a god or something.... neh... bot are bot, nothing to bother to much about.

After finding a peace of paper and tape, I satt the warning on the door.

If you wish to survive, don't bother.
Only emergency, but that have to be emergency.
Hope to find my crew hole.

Regrets captain

It wasn't my best work, but at least I knew now that they had been warned.

First Aid was the only one leaving and coming back to the room. I aren't sure how many there are in the room, but I don't think there is many.

"Ahh perfect. Please tell your commander's that.... just tell them that no body is allowed in."


"Well.. since it's you, but don't tell anyone."


"We aren't progressing on stabilizing her. It's like her body is working against us, it's changing in a weird way. But she is still human.... so confusing and irritating. He hadn't have a recharge in some time. Poor him, the doctor program may be the one thing to offline him."

"Good luck."

"Thanks, we need it."

You guess it's an other view.
I don't own transformers
But what is happening is my ide, yey.

See you soon

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