Jason Todd/ Red Hood X Reader- I Love You, Too (Part 2)

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"I'm gonna get you," you said, laughing while Jay waddled away from you.

"No, mommy, no!" he squealed as you lifted him up from the ground, squealing even more when you blew on his exposed stomach.

"Yes, mommy, yes!" you shouted and kissed his nose, making Jay giggle. "Do you like the park?"

Jay nodded and wrapped his small arms around you, which was his way of saying 'Thank you.' You felt him relax in your arms and heard his breathing start to slow, making you fist bump in the air. Jay was acting like a spaz at home, so you took him to the park near your apartment to let him run his little heart out. Now your plan had worked, and it was definitely naptime for the little dude. You walked over to the bench with Jay in your arms, grabbing your bag and starting your journey home. It was a relatively safe area, your dad made sure before you moved out of the manor, but there was the occasional mugging that happened every now and then. Your dad made you promise that he would be the one who paid for the apartment, and you were thankful to him for that. You couldn't get a job because you didn't want to bother Alfred or your dad with watching Jay, and you couldn't let him go. You always think that it is selfish to always have Jay with you, but you need him for your broken heart. Jay is the last thing you have of Jason, and you want him to live a safe and fulfilling life that you never had. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy your life, you just wanted Jay to not get involved in the family business.

"You're knocked out, aren't you, bud?" you asked the sleeping Jay and continued to walk home.

When you were a block away from your apartment building, you were dragged into an alley and forced up against the brick wall. You shielded Jay from the man, but the harsh movements woke him up from his nap.

"Mommy?" he asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Go back to sleep, Jay," you whispered quickly and ran your free hand through his raven hair.

"The kid won't wake back up if you don't give me your purse," the man said, aiming his gun at Jay. "Give me the purse now."

You swallowed your fear and slid the bag off your shoulder, moving slowly until you slammed the bag into his hand. He watched the gun fly away and grabbed your neck in anger, squeezing tightly.

"You're going to pay for that, bitch."

You glanced over to Jay, who was now crying into your jacket. This was it. This was how you were going to die, right in front of your son. Black spots clouded your vision, but the pressure soon disappeared. You slid down the wall, still holding Jay tightly to you, and greedily sucked in air. Grunts and shouting directed your attention to deeper in the alley, where the mugger and another man were fighting. You tried to stand up, but your legs felt like jelly when you added your weight to them.

"You won't ever touch her again you son of a bitch!" the man screamed, punching the mugger repeatedly until he was unconscious and covered in blood.

You watched as the man released the criminal's body from his grip, breathing heavily as he looked over to you. He had a hood covering most of his face, but you could see a hint of black and white hair peeking from the hood. He quickly walked over to you and checked your neck, which you guessed was already showing a bruise. Jay removed his head from your side and looked up at the man that saved your life with a smile, raising his arms.


The man froze and looked over to Jay, tears falling from his face. You gave Jay a puzzled look before tearing the hood off of the man, revealing Jason Todd alive and well.

You sucked in a breath, trying to keep the tears from falling from your eyes, "Jason?"

He nodded, not making eye contact with you, "I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry I kept this from you, from our son."

Jay looked between the two of you with a confused expression on his face, but smiled when Jason ruffled his already messy hair.

"Why?" you asked, finally letting the tears fall from your eyes. "Why didn't you come home?"

"I'm not myself anymore, (Y/N)," he said. "When I came back, I changed. I couldn't bear to let you see me like this."

"Like what?" you asked.

"A monster, (Y/N)," Jason said. "I came back to find Joker still alive, me replaced, and you with a kid. I tried to kill him, but Bruce stopped me. I couldn't involve you in my quest for revenge or our son. I wanted to keep the both of you safe."

"Do you know how much I missed you?" you asked. "What I had to go through while raising Jay alone? How much medication I have to take to deal with my depression? Only having one thing in your life that's the only reason you're still alive?"

Jason shook his head, "I don't, but I do know that I have two reasons to live, not just one."
"Please come back home," you begged, cupping his cheek with your hand.

He sighed and leaned into your touch, gripping your hand, "Are you sure you want me there?"

"Jay needs a father," you said, looking down at Jay, "and I need you back."

"Okay," Jason agreed and helped you up from the ground.

You smiled and wrapped your arms around him, crying into his shirt. He enveloped you and Jay in his arms, burying his face in your neck. Jay giggled when he kissed his head, making his heart swell. Jason was finally back into your arms. Jason was finally happy, and nothing would tear him away from the two of you again.

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