Rooftops were always peaceful to you when you weren't bothered by patrol, but today they're anything but that. The Cloudburst had been released and criminals were killing each other. Bruce was nowhere to be seen and you were on a roof, clueless on what to do next. You were trained to be prepared for everything, but you were lost. Sighing, you turned away from the edge and reached for your grappling hook, ready to search for Bruce or the Militia. Aiming for another tall building, you grappled to it, watching the gas curl and move under you. Once you made it to the roof, you walked along it cautiously. The screams and shrieks of the people ripping each other apart made shivers crawl up your spine, reminding you of what happened years ago.
Stopping at the edge of the roof, you crouched down and picked up a batarang that was embedded into the stone. While you were distracted, an arm was wrapped around your neck and pulled you away from the edge. Gasping, you immediately hit your opponent's stomach with your elbow. When that didn't work, you used your bodyweight against whoever it was and tossed him over your shoulder. Hearing an odd grunt, you realized that the Arkham Knight himself was here to deal with you. Backing away, you quickly turned around and started running to the opposite end of the building, but that didn't work. He grabbed your cape, yanking it and making you fall on your back.
You couldn't breath, the fall knocking your air out of you. Rolling onto your stomach, you slowly pushed yourself up, greedily sucking in air. The Knight pulled your cape again, this time ripping it from your suit.
"I expected more from you, (Y/N)," he chuckled, watching you struggle to get up. "Well, I guess you always let people down."
"Shut up," you hissed, managing to stand up. "You know nothing about me."
"Oh, but I do," the Knight growled, grabbing your neck with one hand and his other drifting to his helmet, "don't I, (Y/N)?"
You watched as the helmet lifted, revealing a face you never thought you would see again, "Jay?"
He tightened his hold on your neck, "How long did it take for you to give up on me? For the first few weeks I thought for sure you were going to find me, but you never came."
"Jay," you wheezed, moving your hands to the one wrapped around your neck, "I l-looked for you."
"But you didn't find me," Jason seethed, tightening his hold.
"I found... Joker," you rasped, your vision fading. "Got c-captured, t-tortured."
His grip tightened even more, "How can I believe that?"
Shakily moving your hand to the front of the jacket piece of your suit, you grasped the zipper and pulled it down, shaking it from your shoulders to reveal numerous 'J's scattered along your bare arms and neck. He instantly let go of you neck, letting you collapse onto the ground. Sucking in air, you watched as he knelt down, picking up your jacket and placing it on your shoulders. Shakily over to Jason, you saw tears falling down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," he whispered, hesitantly cupping your face.
You moved your hands to his, squeezing them, "This isn't you, Jay, it's the Joker. I forgive you."
"I'm sorry," Jason repeated.
You looked at him confusedly, gasping when you breathed in gas. Clutching his hands, you struggled to keep your eyes open. He pulled you closer, watching as you lost consciousness.
"Don' do this," you mumbled, leaning your head against his chest. "Please."
"Don't worry, (Y/N)," he whispered, placing a kiss on your forehead, "I'll fix everything."
Groggily waking up, you rolled over and burrowed yourself further into your pillow. Snapping your eyes open, you pushed yourself up and looked around, noting that you definitely were not on the roof. Moving the blanket off of you, you cautiously stood up and looked around. You were in a bedroom, but not your bedroom that's in your apartment or the manor. Looking over to the nightstand, your suit was neatly folded with your belt laying on top of it. Frowning, you looked away and walked to the door, opening it silently. Stepping out of the room and closing the door, you surveyed the apartment as you cautiously walked further into it.
"Good afternoon."
You jumped, turning around to find Jason exiting the bathroom. He avoided your eyes, pursing his lips as he pointed to the kitchen.
"There's some lunch in the fridge," he said quietly.
"What happened, Jason?" you asked, looking around. "Where are we?"
"Gotham is safe and Scarecrow has been dealt with," Jason answered. "We're still in Gotham, somewhere safe."
"What about Bruce?" you asked, watching his movements.
"I didn't kill him if that's what you're asking," he sighed.
Walking to Jason, you wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his chest, "I didn't ask that, idiot."
He smiled, resting his head on top of yours, "I'm sorry."
"You do not have to apologize, I already said I forgive you," you said, tightening your hold. "I missed you so much. I regret not being able to find you."
"He could have killed you, (Y/N)," Jason mumbled, pulling you closer.
"You and I both know he wouldn't," you muttered. "He wanted to send Bruce a message, and that message was burned into my skin."
"We're a messed up pair, aren't we?" he asked.
"We may be broken, but together we make a whole."

DC Comics X Reader Oneshots and series
FanfictionThese are oneshots and series that I have posted on my Tumblr writing account. I don't know if anyone here also has a Tumblr, so I thought it would be a good idea to post more stuff onto Wattpad. Please forgive me for the odd order, I had to copy...