Jason Todd/Red Hood X Reader- Stalker From Another Universe (Part 10)

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Helping Jason up, you looked around as the other heroes started to wake up. The lights had stopped flashing red, but the equipment was still strewn across the room.

"Don't touch her!" Doctor Fate shouted, making you instantly let go of Jason. "She is no human."

"What?" you gasped, looking over to Fate. "What happened?"

"We removed your disguise, if that's what you're wonderin'," Constantine replied, dusting off his trench coat. "That was a pretty strong spell to hide your true form."

"My true form?" you asked, "What are you talking about?"

"Calm down, everyone," Diana ordered, walking up to you and placing a hand on your shoulder. "What has caused this panic? We have many League members that are not human."

"None of them are this powerful," Zatanna stated, grabbing her hat from the ground. "I have never seen anything like it."

"You have never come across anything like this?" Bruce questioned the three of them.

"This is ancient magic," Fate started, flying around you, "and even I have never experienced this before."

Zatanna walked up to you and gently grabbed your arm, waving her hand over it. As her hand moved across, your skin disappeared and revealed the same glow that the woman who disappeared had. Sucking in a breath, you stared at your hand, which was glowing a faint shade of blue. As you stared at it longer, you noticed that it switched from blue to different colors. Looking back up, you noticed how quiet the room was.

"Let me be the one to break the silence," Jason said, leaning up against a table. "What the fuck?"

"Jason," Bruce growled, giving him a glare.

"What?" Jason asked, making a face, "You guys are staring at (Y/N), making this news more shocking than it is."

"I was never human in the first place?" you whispered, thinking about your family, the people who you have lived with your whole life.

You felt Diana give your shoulder a light squeeze, making you look over to her, "(Y/N), you may have not been human, but you are still the person that you have always been."

You nodded, "Thank you."

"Amazin'," Constantine said, examining your arm, "you're completely made of pure magic. No magical being has ever achieved this."

You watched as your arm continued to glow, wisps of energy flowed off from you like smoke from a fire. Zatanna continued to move her hand up, making both your shirt and skin disappear, the glow appearing as she dragged her hand further. Zatanna stopped, peering closer to your shoulder.

"Look at these symbols," she said, her hand moving to your back, "they're embedded into her."

Constantine and Fate did as Zatanna requested, examining the symbols. You shivered, feeling their hands close to your back. They didn't touch it, but you could somehow feel them, their auras.

"I recognize these symbols," Fate stated, removing his hand and waving it, making you shut your eyes.

Once you opened them, you noticed how the room was brighter. Looking down, you gasped when you saw your whole body was enveloped in light. The necklace that the woman left behind was by your feet, making you crouch down and pick it up. Constantine snatched it from your hand, examining it.

"This has the same symbols," he said, handing it to Zatanna.

She inspected the necklace, looking over to you, "I think this is a piece of her. Look, right in between her collarbones, there's an empty space."

"The symbols match," Fate said, grasping the necklace and placing the charm on your chest.

You felt a warm sensation spread in your body, making you glow brighter. The heroes flinched, using their arms to block the light. As you felt the warmth flow up your neck, your eyes drifted closed. Memories flashed through your mind, revealing your whole existence in only a few seconds. You were created at the beginning of time along with many other beings that you would call your family. They lived in harmony until one rose up against the rest, your father. He had killed them, stealing their essence to gain more power. Your mother and the rest of the survivors hid in other universes, but that didn't stop your father from finding them. He killed them off one by one until it was just you and your mother. Your mother was alive, she was the one who left behind the necklace. You collapsed onto the ground, the information overwhelming you. Your father was still out there, he was the one who brought you back here, to your original universe. Why would he do that? Why would he not just kill you and gain more power?


You looked up to find Jason gripping your shoulders despite them being composed of magic.

"I remember everything," you said quietly, looking into his eyes. "I remember."

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