Jason Todd/Red Hood X Reader- Stalker From Another Universe (part 5)

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As you tried to process the information Bruce had told you, your panic grew. How in the hell is this happening to you? You could barely handle being in the wrong universe, dimension or whatever the correct terminology was, so how could you handle this? Before you knew it, you backed away from the Batcomputer, the pain forming in your chest making it harder and harder to breathe. Why did whoever did this bring you here? You could barely even handle your life in your own universe, so how could you handle this one? There are gods, monsters, superheroes and supervillains that were meant to be fictional. Whoever brought you here had to have some type of reason for all of this. It must have taken a lot of effort, planning and energy to do this, so why you? While your thoughts consumed you, you managed to back into a stone wall, still staring at the photo of your blood.

"(Y/N)?" a faraway voice asked, the owner of it cupping your face. "(Y/N), can you hear me?"

You nodded, still trying to breathe, your chest burning from lack of oxygen and your anxiety. The owner of the voice removed a hand from your face, grabbing your shaking hand and placing it on their chest, making you feel their calm heartbeat. It seemed a little too slow for a normal heartbeat.

"I need you to breathe in sync with my heartbeat, can you do that?"

You nodded again, closing your eyes and only focusing on the heartbeat. Slowly, your breathing returned to back to normal, opening your eyes when you finally calmed down. When you opened them, you realized that it was Jason that helped you through your panic attack. Feeling exhausted, you leaned yourself onto his chest and listened to his steady heartbeat. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off of the ground, which you weren't aware of until you were off the ground.

"I think this is enough shocking news for one night," Jason said, walking towards the stone staircases. "I'll ask Alfred for a room to stay in for the night, there's no way I'm taking her home on my motorcycle with the condition (Y/N) is in."

"I'll notify Pennyworth," Damian stated and jogged over to Jason, running up the stairs to tell Alfred to prepare a room.

Jason watched the Demon Spawn run up the stairs and sighed. He looked down to find you snuggled into his leather jacket fast asleep, still loosely clutching onto his shirt. A little smile appeared on his face, but it soon disappeared when Dick and Bruce walked over to him.

"You care about her, don't you?" Dick asked, receiving a glare from Jason.

"I'm just trying to help her," Jason replied, walking towards the stairs, "but that doesn't mean I'll fall in love with (Y/N) like this is a cliché romance movie that for some odd reason decided to add a sci-fi element to spice up the story."

Dick snorted, "Way to sum it up, but I'm not talking about this being true love and all that, you genuinely care for (Y/N)."

"Wouldn't you?" Jason asked, still traveling up the staircase. "If some random person magically showed up in your apartment from another universe, wouldn't you do anything to get them back to their family? Well, now we have to figure something out because apparently whoever brought (Y/N) here erased her existence from her original universe just so she could be here."

"Yes, I would, and I bet Bruce would, too," Dick said, receiving a grunt from Bruce, "but you're the one whose apartment (Y/N) showed up in, so I really can't say what I would do if this hasn't happened to me."

"Gee, that's so helpful," Jason said sarcastically while finally entering the entrance to the manor.

"Jason, we still haven't spoken about what (Y/N)'s changed DNA means," Bruce said as the grandfather clock hid the entrance. "We need to know if this is as serious as we think it is."

"What are you proposing?" Jason asked, getting slightly agitated. "We experiment her, study her until we finally figure out what's going on? No, if this is serious, we'll figure something out that doesn't put (Y/N) at risk. If just looking at what that bastard has done to her did this, what would investigating this do to (Y/N)?"

"You're right, Jason," Bruce stated, "but we cannot do nothing. I will continue to investigate this with the help from the Justice League, but we have to be prepared for whatever is to come."

Jason sighed, "We'll talk about this tomorrow."

Bruce was about to reply, but Dick interrupted him, "Okay, let's get a couple hours of sleep and talk more about it when (Y/N) is better, she is the one who was affected the most by this."

Bruce relented, "Fine, but we are not finished discussing this."

Jason rolled his eyes and exited the room, "You got it, Old Man."

After he exited Bruce's study, Jason headed to the grand staircase that led to where most of the occupied bedrooms were, knowing that Alfred would probably set up his old room. Damian was walking down the staircase when Jason arrived, notifying him that Alfred had finished preparing the room.

"Alfred has finished preparing your old room," Damian informed him, stopping at the bottom of the stair. "I see that (Y/N) has already made herself comfortable."

"Shut it, Shortstack," Jason grumbled, walking past Damian to climb the stairs. "Isn't it past your bedtime?"

"Father told us to take the night off, but that does not mean that my sleeping schedule changes when we are excused from patrol," Damian quipped, remaining at the bottom of the staircase, "and wait until I am older, my height will exceed yours."

"Yeah, yeah, good luck with that. I think you got about fifteen years before that happens," Jason snorted before finishing walking up the stairs.

"Stupid Todd and his stupid face," Damian mumbled and stomped up the stairs, heading up to his room where he would finally finish the level of Cheese Vikings he had been stuck on for days.

Jason chuckled as Damian stomped to his room, looking down to your sleeping figure, "What have I gotten myself into?"

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