Jason Todd/Red Hood X Reader- Stalker From Another Universe (Part 9)

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"Woah," you whispered, your face pressed up against the Watchtower's glass, looking down at Earth and all of the stars surrounding it. "My mind is bottled right now."

"Don't you mean boggled?" Jason asked, leaning up against the glass next to you.

"It's a movie reference," you said, still gazing at the sublime view in front of you. "It's from Blades of Glory, do you guys not have good movies here?"

"Of course we do," he replied, blowing a piece of his hair out of his face. "I wonder if we have the same movies here."

"Probably not," you said, your eyes still scanning the stars, "comic book artists can't add in stuff like that. They usually add in an obvious spin-off or something as a joke. It's probably called Razors of Honor in this universe, or maybe Skates of Fame."

"That's unsettling," Jason muttered, "our whole culture is a knockoff of yours."

"Probably not your whole culture," you stated, removing your face from the window and looking over to Jason. "From what I can understand of comics, it's supposed to be a better universe or universes. They write this stuff to make reality less dull, and fantasy as real as it can get."

"You just made a small speech on geeks writing and drawing stories," he said. "How much of a dork are you?"

"I prefer professional reader thank you very much," you huffed, walking away from the glass, "and why am I the dork? You're the one with a thousand books in your room."

"I prefer professional reader," Jason repeated your words, smirking as he followed you. "DO you even know where you're going?"

"I'm heading over to where the others are," you rolled your eyes, walking towards Bruce and Diana. "Oh my goodness gracious is that Zatanna?!"

Jason rolled his eyes, "And you said you could control your inner fangirl."

"Shut it, Todd," you said while turning around, glaring playfully at him. "I wonder if Constantine is around."

"Constantine?" Jason asked, making a face. "I highly doubt that British warlock is- yup, he's here."

You turned around, confirming that Constantine was here, "This is cool!"

"Keep your voice toned down," he said, nervously smiling as a worker walked past the two of you. "I don't think people should be accidentally informed that you're from somewhere different. You never know where these people's loyalties lie."

"Is paranoia a part of every Batfamily members' personality?" you asked, poking Jason's chest. It's so muscly, you thought, and I'm going to die a happy woman. "How many mind readers are on the Watchtower?"

"Quite a few," Jason answered, looking around. "Why?"

"No reason," you replied, trying to hide your blush. "Let's get over to them before we miss anything important."

"I'm pretty sure we missed everything," Jason said while approaching Bruce. "What'd I miss?"

"We were just discussing what we're going to do," Bruce replied, glancing over you, "with your permission, (Y/N)."

"Lovely to meet ya, (Y/N)," Constantine said, holding out a hand. "I hear you're in quite a mess."

"Leave her alone, John," Zatanna said, elbowing him in the shoulder. "It's nice to finally meet you, (Y/N)."

"It's nice to meet you, too," you smiled, shaking both of their hands.

"Shall we take this to a more private area?" Bruce asked, not expecting any of them to answer as he walked down a hall, leading the group to a meeting room.

"Now I got All Along The Watchtower stuck in my head, great," you muttered, taking in all of the scenery.

"Is that a song from your universe?" Zatanna asked curiously.

You nodded, "It's a Jimi Hendrix song."

"Jimi Hendrix is in this universe as well," Constantine said, rolling his eyes. "Zatanna here doesn't listen to that type of music genre."

"I am relieved," you said, placing a hand on your chest. "You gave me a heartattack. I guess this shines a light on our previous discussion, Jay."

Jason chuckled, shaking his head as the group approached the room, entering as Bruce held the door open. Walking into the room, you noticed it was some type of medical room. Sucking in a breath, you were thankful that there was a window in the room of nightmares you were in. A man was further into the room, Doctor Fate you realized as you walked closer to him.

"Is this the one?" Doctor Fate asked, his voice distorted.

"Hi," you said, awkwardly waving while barely keeping eye contact.

"You do not need to be afraid, (Y/N)," he said, gesturing the room. "We are merely using the equipment to monitor your well being during the ritual, it is up to you to go through this."

You nodded, "I am sure I want to go through this. Will it hurt?"

"Only if you fight against it," he answered, looking over to Zatanna and Constantine. "Let us begin."

You gulped as you were directed to a black chair, sitting down on the squeaky material. Bruce walked over to you and placed the monitors on your forehead, giving you a reassuring smile as he walked away.

"I wish you luck, (Y/N)," Diana said, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Thanks," you said, smiling slightly.

You watched as the heroes backed away, leaving Doctor Fate, Zatanna and Constantine to do the ritual. Fate walked over to you, pressing the middle of your forehead. Your eyes shut immediately, slipping into unconsciousness.


Snapping your eyes open, you pushed yourself up from the chair, breathing heavily as you looked around. Medical supplies were strewn across the floor, a red light blinking on and off replacing the vibrant lighting the room had before the ritual. Looking to the ground, you gasped as soon as you saw everyone on the ground, unconscious and unmoving. Scrambling out of the seat, you ran over to Jason barely managing to roll him onto his back. You placed your head onto his chest, sighing in relief when you heard his heartbeat. Lifting your head back up, you shrieked when you came face to face with a woman. She clamped her hand over your mouth, pressing her index finger to her mouth. You stared at her, taking in every detail you could. She was illuminating nearly the whole room with grey light, her long hair flowing as if it was the ocean.

"It has been so long since I have seen you," she said quietly, dragging her glowing hand across your cheek. "I'm sorry that you have experienced this, but it was necessary to get you away from him."

"Who?" you asked, your voice muffled by her hand.

She hesitated and removed her hand from your mouth, her black eyes avoiding yours, "You will realize who you are in time."

"Then who are you?" you questioned her.

"All will be revealed in time," she said, smiling as she faded away.

Staring at the spot she was in, you watched as she finally disappeared, frowning when you noticed she left behind some type of small necklace. Reaching over Jason's still unconscious form, you grabbed it and shoved it into your pocket before anyone could see it. Hearing groaning underneath you, you sat back down and looked worriedly at Jason.

"Are you okay, Jay?" you asked, looking around the room. "What happened?"

"Oh, you know, magic and shit."

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