Dick Grayson/Nightwing X Reader X Red Hood/Jason Todd- Love Toxin (Part 3)

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Ever since that night, you were relieved from patrol by Bruce and even Alfred. You loved that old man to bits, but you felt like they were over exaggerating what Ivy did to you. Yeah, your entire DNA was rewritten, but you felt fine. As the days progressed into a week, you started to notice little changes your body was experiencing. Scars were disappearing, old wounds and achy joints were fixed like they weren't there, and this scared the shit out of you. You knew that if you told Bruce, Alfred or any of the boys, your chances of getting out of the manor would diminish. Soon after you noticed your injuries healing, your dreams were starting to get affected by whatever Ivy did to you as well, and because of this you weren't able to sleep. It was actually weird that you didn't feel tired after you gave up on sleeping, you actually felt more energized when you were outside for your usual run around Bruce's property. The only thing you were thankful for was that there were no plants growing out of your ass.

"(Y/N)!" Jason shouted, wheezing behind you. "Ohmygosh, how are you not out of breath?"

You shrugged, "I guess I'm used to this routine."

"Well, just stand there," he stated, still sucking in air. "Dick is behind us."

"Why are you guys here?" you asked, folding your arms. "I have followed all of your stinking rules, and if you're going to-"

"We're not going to do anything, (Y/N)," Jason interrupted, "we just came here to check on you, maybe take you out to that burger place you like."

"You guys definitely owe me a burger and a milkshake," you huffed, turning your head over to Dick, who was also panting. "Scratch that, you owe me the whole menu. Being on house arrest fucking sucks."

"When have you started swearing?" Jason asked, a shocked look appearing on his face.

"Because you guys are forcing me to stay here while Bruce is getting fucking nothing from Poison Ivy!" you shouted, turning away from them.

"This is why we're getting you out of here," Dick said, putting a hand on your shoulder. "We're gonna go stuff our faces, maybe go see a movie, go shopping, and then-"

"Put me back here?" you interrupted, removing his hand from your shoulder. "If I go out there, I'm not coming back here."

"Okay," Dick agreed, "I'll talk to Bruce and see if you can stay with me or Jason. How does that sound?"

You sighed, "Fine, but there's one more thing."

"What is it, (Y/N)?" Dick asked, concern written all over his face.

"Last one to the manor pays!" you shouted, laughing as you heard Jason shove Dick to the ground.

"Hey!" Dick shouted, "Was that really necessary?"

"Yes it was, Golden Boy!"


"I still can't believe you pushed me, your own brother," Dick pouted, slamming a fifty dollar bill on the table.

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