Batfamily X Reader- Sense Of Normality

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"How in the hell did this happen?" Jason asked, staring at the baby struggling in Bruce's arms. "Of course it had to be Demon Spawn, why couldn't it have been Replacement?"

Tim scoffed, keeping his attention on the Batcomputer, "I was not turned into a toddler because Damian shoved me out of the way, bless his murderous heart for doing that."

"Let me repeat Jay's first question," you said with an aggravated tone, "how in the hell did this happen?"

"Obviously Demon Spawn got zapped by this de-aging ray," Tim responded, ignoring your tone. "How would someone reverse aging?"

"I don't care," you gritted your teeth, "just turn my brother back to his normal self."

"He does look cute, though," Dick said from behind the three of you, now holding Damian.

You glared at Dick, "This is not the time to comment how 'cute' Damian is. We need to find that idiot who messed with the wrong sister."

"No killing," Jason said in a deep voice, receiving a Batdad glare from Bruce.

You turned over to Jason, "You're the one who contacted me, telling me Damian's condition, so if you're uncomfortable with my methods, then you can go-"

"I kill people almost every night," Jason interrupted you. "I'm just saying Bruce's inner voice."

Rolling your eyes, you looked over to Bruce, "I understand that he is your son and you are teaching him your ways, but he is still my brother. Whoever harms my brother harms me, so this is a personal affair."

"Looks like we're going on a man hunt!" Dick exclaimed excitedly, scaring the dozing Damian. "Oh, sorry, Dami."

"Clearly one of us has to stay," Bruce stated, glancing at Damian, "to watch Damian."

"Not it!" Jason shouted immediately, making a small smile appear on your face.

"I'm dealing with the pompous ass who is responsible for this," you said, folding your arms and raising a brow.

Sighing, Tim slammed his head onto the computer, "I'll do it, it's the least I can do for Demon Spawn."

"Okay then," Dick said and walked over to Tim, handing Damian over to him. "Don't do anything that I wouldn't do."

"You would drop him the second he barfed on you," Tim rolled his eyes and turned his chair around, typing with one hand and holding onto Damian with the other, "and you know it's true."

You rolled your eyes, "Let's go before the manhunt ends before we even start it, and yes, knowing Grayson, he would drop Damian."

"Hey!" Dick shouted, an offended look appearing on his face.

Bruce sighed, "We will partner up and search for the person who did this, Tim, do you know who is responsible for this?"

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