Chapter 1

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Thiz takez place during the middle of October btw.

Your name is Kankri Vantas, you are 16 year old troll. You used to be home-schooled, but are now walking to the school for your first day, with your friend, Porrim Maryam.

"There are a few kids yo+u sho+uld avo+id." Porrim says, as the school comes into sight. "There names are Cro+nus, Meenah, Kurlo+z and Rufio+h."

"9k, I'll watch 9ut for them." You reply, the two of you had now arrived at the school. "I'll see y9u later, I have to get my schedule."

"Go+o+d, bye Kankri." You nod and begin walking in the direction of where the office is, you and your dad, Signless, had walked around to school during Saturday.

"Hey!" A voice yells from behind you. "Watch out!" You are then pushed to the side, causing you to fall and hit your horns on a locker. You clutch them as pain runs through your body. 

"Hey, you OK chief?" A voice asks, you look up and see a tall seadweller troll, with a black leather jacket, white shirt with the Aquarius symbol, and slicked back hair.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine. I was just g9ing t9 the 9ffice." You reply and try to stand, only for a wave of nausea to cause you to fall back down.

"Vwell, that's clearly not true. Do you vwant help?" The troll says, holding out his hand, you accept the offer, allowing the troll to help you up. You nearly fall again, but the troll hold onto you by the waist, normally you would complain, but you do need help.

"I'm Kankri, by the way. Who are you?" You ask him, the troll smiles at you, revealing sharp fangs.

"Cronus Ampora." He replies, you accidentally gasp, causing Cronus to raise an eyebrow. "Somethin vwrong chief?"

"P9rrim warned me a69ut you." You say, Cronus sighs and begins walking slowly, to make sure you don't fall.

"Look, she probably only said that 'cause I used to flirt vwith her a lot. Or at least I hope it was that, 'cause I vwould nevwer hurt anyone. Unless the hurt my friends of course." Now it was your turn to sigh.

"I guess I sh9uld kn9w 6y n9w n9t t9 take her warnings a69ut pe9ple t9 seri9usly. May6e we c9uld 6e friends?" You look up at the seadweller, hoping he wants to be friends with you, for reasons unknown to you. At least at the moment.

"Shore, chief." He replies, smiling once again. You feel tingly as he says this.

No, Kankri. Stop. You are celibate, you can't like him. You can't be in a quadrant with him. You think as you look away from Cronus, feeling your face heat up.

"Do you want to see the nurse?" Cronus' voice snaps you out of your thoughts, you gaze into his violet eyes, which clearly show concern.

"N9, I'm feeling 9k n9w. Y9u sh9uld get t9 class, I've wasted en9ugh 9f y9ur time."

"Hate to break it to ya chief, but I'm comin' vwith you, don't vwant you fallin' again." You sigh and allow Cronus to come with you to the office, but he is told to go back to class when the staff see him. You are now heading towards the lunchroom, it had taken about two hours just for them to give you the schedule. 

"Hey, Kanny. Vwanna sit vwith me?" The voice of Cronus says from behind you. You turn to look at the seadweller, and shake your head.

"I'm s9rry, 6ut I was g9ing t9 sit with P9rrim, I can sit with y9u t9mm9r9w though." You reply, Cronus nods, and glances to a table, with another seadweller and a few other trolls you dont feel like describing.

"Ok, see you later chief."

"Bye Cr9nus." Cronus then walks to the table with the other trolls, and you spot Porrim looking at you suspiciously. "Hell9, P9rrim." You say, sitting beside of her.

"Hey. Umm, yo+u do+ kno+w who+ that tro+ll was right?"

"Yeah, Cr9nus."

"But I warned yo+u abo+ut him!"

"I kn9w, 6ut he seems nice, I'm g9nna give him a chance."

"Fine. But do+n't expect me to be friends with him." The rest of the school day goes by quickly, and it was a Friday so you had to go home for the weekend, without being able to talk to Cronus.

Oh gog, I am flushed for him.

I'm zorry it kind of ended weird, but I have to go to my next clazz zoon, zo bye for now. And like I zaid, please give me zome ideaz, cauze I have no idea where to go with thiz.

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