Chapter 2- Tuna?

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You are still Kankri Vantas, only deference is you have time skipped to Monday, thanks to a hipster human.

"Kankri, I want yo+u to+ meet so+me o+f my friends." Porrim says dragging you to a lunch table, against your will, to two trolls. One of them had red glasses, the other had a yellow helmet and jumpsuit.

"WHO'S 7H12?" The one with the helmet asks. (IDK if I did hiz quirk right, but I'm zticking with that cauze I'm two lazy to learn it.)

"This is my friend, Kankri." Porrim replies, then turns to you. "Kankri, this is Mituna." She points to the troll with the helmet. "And his matesprit, Latula." She points to the other troll, with the red glasses.

"It's nice to meet y9u." You say to the two, the look at Porrim. "I d9n't mean t9 trigger y9u, 6ut I pr9mised Cr9nus I w9uld sit with him t9day, alth9ugh I am happy I g9t t9 meet y9u're friends. It can 6e highly triggering t9 deprive 9ne 9f their plans-"

"O+K, go+ ahead and sit with the greaser, see if I care." Porrim replies, clearly caring, despite her words, and begins talking to Mituna and Latula. You begin looking around for Cronus.

"Kanny, ovwer here chief." You hear his already familiar voice say from behind you. You turn to look at the Aquarius, and smile. Cronus smiles back, and the butterflies return to your stomach. "Come on, I found an empty table for us." You nod and follow Cronus to the table, and begin taking the food out of your red and gold lunchbox. "So chief, vwant do you like to do." You look at Cronus, who has his head resting one his hands.

"Well, I like writing, and 6eing 9utside." You reply, then tilt your head. "What a69ut y9u?"

"Vwell, mostly I like vwatching movwies, especially Grease. "

"Hmm, I d9n't think I've heard 9f it." You reply, Cronus fakes a gasp, and puts his hands over his mouth.

"Vwhat, you'vwe nevwer seen the god of all movwie's?" You shake your head no. "Vwowv, you should totally vwatch it vwith me. I think it's on Netflix." (I am checking if it iz right now. OMFG IT IZ!) 

"9K, I supp9se that w9uld 6e fun. As l9ng as y9u kn9w there is n9 Netflix and chill allowed. " Cronus shrugs, smiling widely, he doesn't seem like how bad Porrim claimed he was. 

"I'll see you at the end of the day? Unless, you vwant to vwait until Friday." You shake your head.

"N9, t9day is fine, I'll meet y9u at the 6ench in fr9nt 9f the sch99l."

"Ok, chief." Cronus smiles. The rest of lunch consist of the two of you talking about random stuff, sadly you didn't have your next class together, but you did get to talk to Mituna a little, although he was being highly triggering. 

*Time zkip brought by I don't give a zingle fuck.*

You are now sitting on the bench, waiting for Cronus to get out of the building, which he does a few seconds later.

"Sorry I took so long, Kanny. Dara wouldn't let us leave." He says, not bothering to sit down, you nod and stand up, barely being as tall as the sea-dweller's chin. "Vwovw chief, how did I not realize hovw short you vwere before?" 

"Cr9nus, I w9uld appreciate it if y9u didn't make fun of my height, I am n9rmal size. Als9 it is-" You begin one of your lectures but are cut off by Cronus.

"Sorry Kankri, I just find it quite adorable." Your face becomes bright red.

Once again, ztill have a writer'z block, I'm zorry.

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