Long Chapter

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Okay I realize Kankri and Porrim were Morails so just act like Cronus never said he was pale. OK? Thanks.

Soon after Kankri and Cronus finish the project, the Aquarius stops talking to him. It should have been expected. After all, Kankri was only a mutant while Cronus is a seadweller. He sighs and forces the thought away, leaning back in his chair as he watches the other people enter the classroom. While Kankri and Cronus finished almost two months ago, the project was just now due. Kankri guessed that it was because of the people and trolls, but most of them had excuses as to why they don't have theirs, though most of them are known for causing trouble. Rufioh being one of them though Horuss just looks down in shame as the bronze blood claims they accidentally spilt water on it or something of the sort.

"Well.. I will move the due date to about a week from now. But no more than that." The teacher announces, stepping to the front of the room. "For those who have finished. Your new assignment is for extra." Kankri glances in Cronus' direction, the Violet Blood was speaking to Meenah, before looking at Kankri and their eyes meet.

Kankri can feel the bright red blush on his cheeks and he looks away from the Violet. Of course then he just stands and goes over to the mutant. Kankri feels his cheeks heat up even more as Cronus rests his arm on Kankri's shoulder. He was acting as though he never ignored Kankri in the first place!

"Hey chief." The tone of Cronus' voice makes all of Kankri's anger and slight fear melt away. Of course that's how Cronus greeted everyone but Kankri couldn't help but feel special. "So.. Extra huh? I'm guessing you're quite keen to do it." Kankri doesn't answer. He only gives a small nod. "Okay," Cronus smiles. "I say after school we go get some food then head to my house, yeah?" Once again Kankri gives a nod, risking a glance at Cronus only to look away as the seadwellers eyes meet his. "Alright. It's a date then." Kankri opens his mouth to protest but Cronus stands and walks away.


Cronus waits outside of the school at the end of the day. He pretty much asked Kankri out.. He swore to himself that after their 'date' he would ask Kankri to be his matesprit. He allowed Meenah to believe he was only going to do it to prove Kankri wasn't as innocent as he seemed to most. The seadweller couldn't help but love the adorable mutant. Soon enough Kankri walks out of the building, he glances around then blushes lightly as he spots Cronus and walks over to him. Cronus pretends he didn't see the blush as Kankri stands in front of him. If anything the blush just filled him with more determination.

"Hey chief. Are you ready to go?" Cronus asks, risking wrapping his arm around Kankri's waist. The smaller troll squeaks and flinches a bit but soon relaxes, not pulling away.

"I am ready." He smiles softly at the seadweller. "Um. And Cr9nus. Did y9u mean it when y9u said it's a date?.." Kankri blushes a bit as Cronus gives a nod, grabbing onto Kankri's hand. As the Cancer doesn't protest about the action, Cronus begins leading him to the restaurant he had chosen. It was semi.. Fancy? But not enough to where Kankri could feel that Cronus was wasting his money. Though the highblood had more than enough. Both Kankri and Cronus walk into the restaurant. They order then are led to a booth.

Cronus keeps his grip on Kankri's hand, resisting the urge to trill at the warmth. Soon enough, their food comes and the waitress gives a smile towards Kankri and Cronus, though it fades a bit as she sees their intertwined fingers. Kankri must have noticed too as he quickly pulls away from Cronus. As that happens the waitress seems to smirk, she winks at Cronus before walking away. Him and Kankri order their food then wait. Cronus smiles at Kankri but doesn't try to grab his hand.

"You're okay vwith this bein a date right chief?" He asks, wrapping an arm around Kankri's shoulders, that causes the Cancer too blush deeply.

"Well... I wasn't g9ing t9 stand y9u up... 6ut I am celi6ate s9.. I'm n9t really sure.." He looks down, clearly feeling a bit guilty about admitting that he wasn't sure how to view the date.

What if it's a problem vwith me?..

Cronus thinks, fins drooping a bit, he gives a nod anyways.

"Yeah chief.. I understand.." Kankri let's out a sigh as Cronus speaks than smiles softly.

"Well.. I supp9se it w9uldn't hurt I supp9se." Kankri than leans against the Aquarius, purring softly, though it was obviously a bit forced. Cronus wraps a hesitant arm around Kankri anyways, his fins give a small flutter.

The waiter comes back a bit later with their food. She rolls her eyes at the two and sets it down on the table, before handing Cronus a small slip of paper than walking away.

'Here's my number highblood.' It then had a number after it. 'Maybe we can have some fun later just give me a call.' Cronus rolls his eyes and puts the paper in his pocket to forget about it. Kankri must have saw the paper as he rolls his eyes, blushing some.

"Don't vworry chief. I'm not gonna call her." Cronus speaks reassuringly, rubbing Kankri's side softly. The Cancer gives a small shiver but soon purrs and begins to eat. Cronus hums softly and does the same.

~Time Skip~

Kankri walks to school on the day after his date with Cronus. Porrim walks beside of him, clearly knowing something was up with the mutant but knowing better than to ask before he's ready and risk getting a lecture. As they get to the school Kankri starts walking faster, his ears twitch a bit, the only indication of his excitement, Porrim notices this and raises an eyebrow.

"Um. I'll see y9u at the end 9f the day P9rrim." Kankri quickly walks off to his government class, Porrim frowns then starts walking away towards English. As Kankri gets too the class he is almost immediately hugged by the taller seadweller, his trills quiet but right next to Kankri's ear.

"So chief. Are vwe together?" Cronus speaks softly as he pulls away. Kankri purrs at that, giving a small nod. He was no longer nervous at the thought of being with the seadweller, as he had been the day before. Well. Not as nervous at least.

Cronus fins flutter and without warning he pecks Kankri's lips, making the mutants face turn a bright shade of red. Kankri glances around the room, luckily the only person in there was Aranea Serket, and she was focused on reading a book, not looking around. A sigh of relief leaves the Cancer's lips as he leans back.

"Um.. Are we going to your house again? For the project?" Kankri asks, though his mind was on anything but the project. He allows his thoughts too drift, imagining being in Cronus' arms, of course, his thoughts are cut short as Cronus answers him.

"Well. If you want. You did mention living with Porrim so it's probably best that I don't go to your house." Kankri nods and flinches as the door slams open, Meenah walks in.

"Guess whos here bitch?!" She says loudly, walking into the room, she smirks at Cronus. "Aw. Did you finally get a matesprit Ampora?" She giggles as Cronus quickly moves his arm away from were it was around Kankri's shoulder, seeming embarrassed at the fuchsia's words. "I hope not. You can do better than that mutant."

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