I'm too lazy to think of a title so here you go.

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Look whoz finally back, zorry I waz going through zome rough timez

==>Be Cronus

You stare at the screen for what felt like hours when in reality, it had only been a few minutes. Kankri Vantas. Your matesprit, has just broken up with you, sure he had a good reason but you never would have left him for Meenah of all trolls!

==> Stop talking about what happened and call the damn troll.

You decide to listen to the mysterious voice and pick up the phone, going to Kankri's contact and calling. It rings for a while before picking up, but it wasn't Kankri who answered.

"What the fuck do you want Ampora." It was Karkat who answered.

"Vwheres Kankri? I havwe to talk to him."

"Oh yeah he's in the hospital, something attacked him and yeah. He's unconscious right now."

"Please tell me this is a joke."

"I'm an asshole but not that much of one." He hangs up after that and you quickly grab your jacket, and bike helmet before running out of the room and going out of the house, you get onto the thing humans call a motorcycle and start it up, driving quickly to the hospital.

==> Skip the boring stuff and go to him.

You once again listen to the voice and go to the room Kankri was in, you immediately notice the wound near his neck, and freeze, eyes wide. Whether lucky or unlucky for you. You aren't sure of which one, Kankri stirs, eyes opening slowly and gazing at you. There was now a faint red glow around the white orbs.

==> Tell us what's going on.

Us? Well okay. You have heard rumors of.. Demons.. Attacking people and are now greatly terrified as you gaze back at Kankri. The only thing you know about demons are that they drink blood, like a rainb- Vampire. And how to stop them. But you had no idea if Kankri still remembered you or if he was a heartless monster now. Honestly you're just worried about if he's safe, which he seems to be as he hasn't tried to kill you yet. Hopefully he never will.

"Cr9nus?.." He speaks slowly, blinking. Wait, his eyes were white? But, assuming you remeber correctly, they are supposed to be a pale red. It must be part of being a demon or something. "Cr9nus?" He repeats, you shake your head to clear your thoughts.

"Are you okay Kan?.." You crouch beside of the hospital bed, to get a better look at his eyes.

"I-I d9n't kn9w.. I think s9?" He whimpers softly and reaches out towards you weakly. "I'm s9rry.." You just shake your head, smiling softly as you bring Kankri into an embrace.

"Dont be, you're alright and that's all that matters."

A bit of a zhort chapter. But when zchool ztarts I might be able to update more. Or lezz. It dependz on my clazzes really.

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