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Cronus waits by the stream, hoping Kankri could come. He wasn't sure what the mutant could be so busy with that he couldn't make it. Cronus hears a rustling coming closer to him, soon after, Kankri walks into sight, he gazes at Cronus and walks closer.

"Hey chief. Glad you could make it." Cronus says, smiling at the Cancer.

"Yes. S9 am I. I supp9se." Kankri smiles back. Cronus' fins flutter and he trills, making the mutant tilt his head slightly, he brushes his hand lightly again Cronus' fin. Cronys gasps and pulls away quickly, a light violet blush on his face.

"Vwoah. Careful there chief." He chuckles.

"I'm s9rry... Did I hurt y9u?" Cronus shakes his head.

"Nah. But vwell. My fins are more sensitive than your horns." Kankri blushes deeply and looks down.

"9-9h.." He says, there's a moment of silence before Kankri looks up again. "Umm.. Did y9u have anything in mind that we c9uld d9?" Kankri asks softly.

"Vwell. Vwe could alvways vwatch a movwie at my hi- house." Cronus replies, smiling widely, he already had a movie picked out to watch. Assuming Kankri would say yes.

"Well. I w9uldn't mind that. Just keep in mind it is simply watching a m9vie. N9t a date." He responds, answering to Cronus' silent prayer, the Aquarius smiles more, if at all possible.

"Yeah. I can deal vwith that." Cronus trills some and begins walking, Kankri follows him, a bit nervous, which was noticeable due to his hands twitching a bit

==> You want to hear what Kankri thinks? Okay fine. Suit yourself. Sea if I care ;-;

Kankri follows Cronus, hands twitching nervously. It was a habit he developed due to the fact that unlike trolls, demons weren't exactly a normal thing for humans to be. Or be around. Kankri's brother learned that lesson the hard way, and was ranting for days on end about how his ex-matesprit tried to kill him after finding out he was a demon, after Karkat cleared up the fact that he wasn't a killer, things didn't get much better. But hey, you'll find out what happened soon enough. After all, it's one of the ships in this story. Wait, story? When was a story mentioned, hahah nope. No story her- Oh look, Cronus has arrived at his house. Kankri smiles as Cronus opens the door, letting the mutant go in first before following and closing the door behind the two.

"So chief. Havwe you evwer heard of Grease?" Cronus asks, sitting on the couch, and patting the space beside of him, inviting Kankri to sit down.

"N9. I d9n't 6elieve I have." He replies, sitting beside of Cronus.

"Mm. Vwell, you'll lovwe it." He says, trilling and grabbing the remote, he turns the TV on, goes to Netflix and typing in 'G-R-E-A-S-E', soon enough, the movie begins playing. Cronus leans back, eyes on the movie, occasionally glancing at Kankri.
The smaller troll watches the movie, unaware of the seadweller's gaze. As the first scene with Danny comes on, Kankri glances at Cronus.

'Well. I kn9w why he dresses like that n9w at least.' He thinks, looking back to the screen and smiling some. Let's skip about thirty minutes, give or take a few. Kankri blushes some, it had just gotten to the scene with Rezzo and Kenickie. Cronus glances at Kankri, worried he might react badly to it, but the Cancer says nothing, making the highblood relax. Soon the movie ends and Kankri stretches the stiffness of his limbs away, letting out a cat-like yawn.

"Are you tired chief?" Cronus asks, standing and turning the TV off.

"Just a 6it." Kankri smiles and stands as well, smiling at Cronus. "I guess I sh9uld g9 6ef9re it gets t99 dark." He adds.

"Vwell, it vwill be dark by the time you get to the lake. And you probably knowv howv dangerous that can be. Especially for a mutant. No offense." Cronus speaks worriedly, Kankri knew he was worried due to the slight fuzziness to his scent.

"Yes I am aware. 6ut I've walked h9me in the dark 6ef9re. I w9uldn't want t9 tr9u6le y9u."

"You can stay here the night. I don't mind taking the couch." Kankri frowns.

"This is y9ur hive. As much as I appreciate it. It w9uld 6e rude 9f me t9 sleep in y9ur 6ed." He says stubbornly, but it seems Cronus was just as stubborn.

"Okay. Then vwe can share the bed." He says, fins pressing against the side of his face, showing he wouldn't back down, Kankri looks away.

"Fine." He eventually says, his voice a playful growl.

'I can g9 a night with9ut hunting.. I'm sure.' He thinks as Cronus let's out a triumphant trill.

"Heh. Come on then chief." Cronus grabs Kankri's hand and leads him to the bedroom, letting go and laying down after going in. Kankri blushes lightly as Cronus holds his hand then lays next to him, but not close enough to touch. Cronus smiles at him and closes his eyes, Kankri does the same and soon both of them fall asleep.


Kankri wakes later in the night, his eyes glowing bright red and his stomach growling as he smells Cronus' blood, he immediately sits up, shaking his head and attempting to clear the scent away.

'N9n9n9. This can't happen n9w.. Ugh I sh9uldn't have agreed to this.. 6ut I cant just leave n9w...' He thinks, then gazes at Cronus' exposed neck, the scent flooding back to him. '6ut surely 9ne 6ite c9uldn't hurt...' He leans fowards and bites into the seadwellers neck, purring as the violet blood flows into his mouth, but he is quickly pushed away by Cronus, the Ampora's eyes were wide as he covers the wound with his hand.

Ugh it's too short rip. Well whatever. Here's another chapter for all you faggots.

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