Chapter 4- I don't know if it's the right chapter number oops, I have bad memory

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Omg finally have motivation to write thiz.

Your name is Cronus Ampora, and oh my fucking cod you are kissing Kankri. You pull away, you and the cancer both blushing, even though the kiss only lasted a second.

"Cr9nus, what was that f9r?"

"Oh cod, I'm sorry Kankri. Just forget that happened please." You quickly say, moving away from the cancer.

"It's fine Cr9nus." Kankri replies. "Y9u didn't trigger me. I kinda enj9yed it, actually." Kankri's blush deepens and he hides his head in his turtleneck.

"But vwhat about being celibate? Not that I'm complaining about it." 

"I... V9ws were made t9 6e 6r9ken." Kankri glances anywhere except you. You can barely believe what you are hearing, you didn't expect Kankri to have feelings for you, much less tell you if he did. 

But vwe'vwe only knowv each other for tvwo days.. You think then smile. Fuck it, Kankri is hot as all hell anyvways, I should givwe him a chance.

"Cr9nus, are y9u 9kay? I-I'm s9rry, I kn9w we just met and all 6ut.." Kankri trails off, speechless.

"It's fine Kanny. Does this mean you vwant to givwe being matesprits a try?" You ask that last part hesitantly.

"I-I guess? 6ut I d9n't want it t9 6e anything seri9us, n9t until we get t9 kn9w each 9ther m9re 9f c9urse." You nod at the candy-blooded troll.

"Yeah, I can deal vwith that." You smile again and pull Kankri back into your lap, he purrs and leans against you.

I have to go to my next clazz but I will work on thiz at home, I zwear.

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