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Doing this is a different style since the last one was VERY old and cringey.

Kankri sits at the stream, his sleeve was rolled up a bit to reveal the scar he got back when he was only a grub, from a demon. He didn't realize the seadweller that was slowly walking closer to the same clearing he was in. Kankri was wearing a bright red turtleneck, since he could defend himself if anyone attacked him anyways, and semi-tight black pants. His hair was quite messy and his nubby horns were almost completely hidden by it. He was also wearing a Cancer necklace, given to him by Signless, before his death. Kankri now stayed with his closest, and only, friend. Porrim Maryam. The seadweller was wearing a black leather jacket, his hair sleek and his horns shaped like lightning bolts. He also had on a white shirt with a violet Aquarius symbol on it, along with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. He walks closer to Kankri before sitting beside of him.

"Hey. Vwhat's a landvweller doing out here?" He speaks, Kankri jumps, quickly rolling his sleeve down and looking at the Aquarius, who continues to speak without waiting for a reply. "I'm Cronus by the vway." Kankri narrows his eyes, wondering why the seadweller would decide to talk to him.

"This isn't Alternia. 'L9wbl99ds' as you call us, are all9wed t9 d9 whatever we want n9w."

"Vwoah I vwas just asking vwhy you vwere here. Near vwater. I never said you couldn't be here. So, vwhat's your name?" Cronus quickly defends himself, hands going up.

"It's Kankri.." He speaks slowly before standing. "Well, Cr9nus, I sh9uld really 6e g9ing n9w." He says before beginning to walk away, only to have Cronus follow him.

"Vwait. Maybe vwe could.. Meet back here tomorrowv?" Cronus smiles a bit, his fins perking up in anticipation. Kankri gives a hesitant nod.

"I supp9se I can try and c9me 6ack here. N9 pr9mises th9ugh." He replies before beginning to walk again, this time Cronus doesn't follow him.


After a while of walking, Kankri gets back to Porrim's house, he knocks on the door softly out of habit, smiling as it opens a second later.

"Kankri. Yo+u kno+w yo+u do+n't have to+ kno+ck. This is yo+ur hi- Ho+use. To+o+." Porrim speaks, stepping aside to let Kankri in.

"I kn9w." Kankri says as he steps into the human hive, or 'house' as the humans call it. The house didn't have a recuperacoon (How do you even spell that?!) instead it had a 'bed' which Kankri found quite comfortable.

"Where were yo+u anyways?" Porrim asks, sitting on the couch. Kankri sits next to her and shrugs.

"I was just at the stream. N9thing t99 special."

"Kankri. Yo+u're hiding so+mething. What were yo+u do+ing at the stream? Did so+meo+ne hurt yo+u?" Kankri shakes his head as Porrim asks that.

"N9. I just met a seadweller. He didn't hurt me at all." Kankri quickly says.

"Kankri. A seadweller will hurt yo+u. Do+n't fo+rget that yo+ur'e a mutant." She growls softly and hugs Kankri. "I can't lo+o+se my mo+rail." She pulls away before Kankri says anything about the sudden hug. "What's this seadwellers name anyways?" She asks, head tilted curiously, Kankri smiles a bit and purrs softly from the hug.

"Cr9nus Amp9ra."

Heheh left you on a cliffy. Kinda. Also I have pretty much the whole story figured out. Since it's totally not based on a rp. Totally not one I did with my matesprit (edit, fuck that piece of shit pedophile abusive motherfucker.)
pfft what are you talking about? Also I will now make a list of all the ships that will be in future chapters. 'Cause. Yeah.
Cronkri (Red obviously. And I don't haee to provide a reason because YOU are the one who clicked on the story anyways so fuck off if you don't ship it.)
Erikan (Red. I know it's a weird ship but it's adorable. I don't know how to explain it.)
Arafef (Also red. I'm not sure why but maybe the fact that umm. Yeah I got nothin')
Solkat (Red<3 Just. OML I love this ship to much to even BEGIN to explain why.)
Davekat (Black. Maybe some red. I don't feel like explaining. It's kinda obvious why.)
Erisol (Black. Once again. No need to explain. It's just cannon.)
Pepsicola (red. There won't be much. But it's also cannon. Just like Davekat.
Vrisrezi (Red. It's cannon. No quwstions asked.)
PB&J (Red/Pale. Do I need to ezplain?)
Well I can't think of anything else. Actually. Their might be Dammek x Xefros. Not sure what their ship name is. But yeah.

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