==> Into the Future (By two months)

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==> Into the Future (By two months)

Kankri sits at his desk, head resting on his arms. Cronus hadn’t talked to him since school started. Not that Kankri was surprised, he knew there was no reason for the higher blood to care about him. After all, Cronus had his other friends, all of which who were higher than Kankri.

The teacher soon walks in, telling everyone to sit down, Kankri sits up, forcing himself not to think of Cronus.

Cr9nus is just an9ther seadweller. There's n9 reas9n t9 get w9rked up a69ut him.

He tells himself, listening as the teacher begins discussing what they will be doing, soon after, he announces that they will be doing a project. Kankri sighs, gazing around the room, he didn't know any of the trolls besides Cronus. The other ones either hated him or didn't like lowbloods at all.

“Meenah and Aranea.” That was the first group, Kankri sighs in relief, other than Meenah, he wasn’t worried about being paired up with anyone else. Well, besides Cronus, but Kankri knew the violet blood wouldn’t hurt him, not from what he had seen at least. There were some other groups called, Kankri didn't really catch any of them, besides Meenah’s dancestor being paired with a rust blood. Kankri hoped that the younger Pices wasn’t hemophobic.

“Kankri Vantas.” Kankri looks up as his name is called, waiting, he glances around the room, the only ones left were himself, Cronus. Kurloz. And Meulin. “And Cronus Ampora.” Kankri’s eyes glance at Cronus for a second before the Cancer nods to the teacher. Meenah was looking at Cronus, the glint in her eyes showing that she was planning something. Kankri could only hope that Cronus wouldn’t go along with it.

The Aquarius stands and walks over to Kankri, sitting next to him. Kankri stays silent, not sure what the seadweller would do.

I kn9w Cr9nus.. He w9uld never hurt me… Right?..

He forces himself to focus, looking at Cronus. There was nothing to suggest Cronus was helping with, or even knew, what Meenah was thinking. Kankri relaxes, glancing to the paper that was placed on his desk by the teacher. It said they had to do a project, whether it was a slideshow, a play, or just a simple piece of paper, didn't matter.

Just like Karkat’s r9mc9ms… Falling in l9ve d9ing a pr9ject. N9t that anything like that w9uld happen. I’m celi6ate, and Cr9nus pr96a6ly is flushed f9r Meenah.

==> Time to give Kankri a break.

Cronus stands and walks to Kankri as the teacher announces that they are partners, he sits next to the short mutant. Cronus tilts his head as Kankri’s eyes flit across the room nervously. He shrugs it off as nothing as Kankri glances at the paper, then back at Cronus.

“So chief. I suppose you havwe an idea of vwhat too do huh?” Cronus asks, leaning back in his chair a bit, Kankri shrugs.

“A simple p9ster sh9uld d9.” His voice was slightly quieter than Cronus remembered it being, but then again, he hadn’t got a chance to talk to Kankri since school started. Cronus gives a nod.

“Yeah. So, are vwe gonna vwork on it here or at one of our hive- houses.” Cronus corrects himself mid sentence. Kankri shrugs and glances to Meenah, the fuchsia was talking to Aranea, seemingly in an argument.

“We can g9 t9 y9ur h9use.” Kankri was looking at Cronus again, his eyes seemed a bit of a brighter red, almost glowing, and the Cancer seemed troubled by something. Cronus, once again, passes it off as nothing.

“Alright. Might as vwell get some basic stuff vwritten dowvn.” Cronus pulls out a piece of notebook paper, handing it to Kankri, he smiles some. “You havwe better handvwriting than me. Vwe can both think of ideas though.” The mutant gives a nod and begins writing while they think of ideas.

~Skip Brought by Cheesecake<3~

At the end of the day, the bell rings. Cronus stands and exits the room, he waits at the front of the school for Kankri, checking his phone and smiling as Eridan says he’s going to his friend, Sollux’s house. Cronus personally thought they were together, it seemed likely when he thought about it, but he wasn’t sure if it was black or red. The seadweller didn't want his brother getting hurt. But if they were kismesis then he couldn't stop them. Soon after, he sees the familiar Cancer walking to him, arms around himself, most likely to try and keep some heat in his red turtleneck.

“Hey chief. Are you cold?” Kankri gives a nod, in response to Cronus’ question. “Vwell. I guess vwe should get going then. I don't vwant to fail from you freezin too death.” He smiles and grabs Kankri’s hand, the Cancer blushes as Cronus leads him to his house.

Soon enough, they get there, it only took around ten minutes, as Cronus lived pretty close by to the school. He opens the door and leads Kankri in, before closing and locking it, paranoid that someone might break in. Kankri shivers and slowly relaxes, though his face was still quite pale.

Pale.. Cronus thinks as he looks at the mutant. Heh.. Yet another quadrant I don't have filled… I vwonder if Kankri vwould… No, he’s celibate. But it doesn’t hurt to vwish I guess.

Kankri looks at Cronus, he looked more.. Feral, his eyes were bright red while his skin was nearly white. Cronus looks away, realizing he was staring.

“S9. Sh9uld we get started?” Kankri’s voice was quiet and a bit strained, as though he was sick. Surely he couldn’t get i'll that fast.

“Yeah. Also. Do you need any vwater or somethin? You sound a bit sick.” Kankri nods.

“That w9uld 6e nice. Thank y9u Cr9nus.” Cronus nods and leaves to the kitchen, he grabs Kankri a glass and pours water in it, before returning to him. Kankri takes the water, murmuring a soft ‘thank you’ before beginning to drink it.

~Another time skip because I'm too lazy to write out the work rip~ (Also I'm writing this in school so I'm short on time)

As soon as they finish the basic outline of the stuff, now only needing to add colors and maybe draw a picture to go with it, Kankri stands.

"I think I sh9uld g9.." Cronus frowns, the troll looked even more sick now.

"Chief.." He speaks, placing a hand on Kankri's shoulder. "You look sick. You should stay here for the night. I'm sure Signless vwon't mind." Kankri shifts a bit but gives a small nod, gazing down.

"9kay.. I just.. Figured y9u had plans with Meenah." Cronus shrugs.

"No I don't. And I vwas vwonderin... Do you vwant to be my morail?"

Haha a cliffie. But I gtg to some shitty ass band thing so I'll update later. Sorry its so short;-;

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