Milkshakes and Mysterious Men

370 35 30

Michelle's P.O.V

Dear god, somebody help me. That guy just retched all over the floor, great.

Pushing through the crowd of drunken college kids and students who obviously snorted illegal substances behind the building, I made my way to the backyard patio. Opening the sliding doors, I took a deep breath of fresh air, or at least what I could get of it. Throwing a glance to the dudes who were smoking cigarettes, I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Lung cancer officially has a new victim.

Suddenly, I heard weird and pretty disturbing sounds coming from the side of the house. Creeping to the side, I caught a glimpse of two people pretty much making babies near the garbage bins. Almost throwing up, I turned around quickly, but not before I could make out the guy's face. Swiveling around again, I saw that yes, my boyfriend of three years was cheating on me with a girl who's basically just in her undergarments. I felt my heartbeat stop and my stomach drop as my breath froze in my throat.

Turning away with tears burning my eyes, I rushed inside. Pushing past people once more, I spotted my friends, but they looked too drunk to understand my sob story through my cries. With the door in plain sight, I hurriedly ran to it and threw it open as if I was drunk and about to puke myself. By that point, I was almost ready to anyway.

I ran across the lawn with two-inch heels and tears streaming down my face, which is no easy feat. After sobbing for a lifetime and a half, I wiped my eyes and looked at the unfamiliar surroundings.

Brick buildings, dead plants, and tacky neon lights. Looking around for a place that didn't seem quite so sketchy, I only saw liquor stores, pawn shops, and dimly lit bars.

"Now, what's a pretty girl like yourself doing here?" a scratchy, deep voice whispered from right behind me.

Letting out a small and painful little screech, I slowly turned around. My wide eyes scrambled to find the man but all the street lamps only had barely flickering light bulbs. Squinting, I made out the outline of a burly figure. Oh no, no no no no no, NO WAY JOSE!!! I know your name is probably not Jose, but no way was this happening. I already lost my boyfriend and I was not about to lose something else tonight.

He stepped into the light of a nearby bar and smiled like a cat might at a mouse. A perfect smile, I must admit, to bad he was probably going to kill me.

"You need some help getting home girly, because you can hop on my ride." He not-so-subtly winked at me and I literally gagged at the dirty pick-up line and the cringey movement he shot at me.

"No thanks," I managed to muster while slowly backing up. Great Michelle, this is what you get for growing up going on shopping sprees instead of to self-defense classes.

"Well, why don't we go home, maybe my house? It's closer."

Oh my holy lords, the only "closer" I'll ever be involved in is the song, that I won't ever be listening to again after this. Baby pull me closer... STOP IT MICHELLE!!!

"N-no thank you." I slowly scanned the scenery to find an escape route. Maybe if I ran in the direction of a garden he'd stop to smell the roses. Or maybe a handsome prince will come and save me, like in the movies.

Haha, you're funny Michelle, you think you're living in a movie. Well, your boyfriend cheated on you, you're looking like trash, and someone is now invading your personal bubble to get his dirty paws on you. Movie rated R kids.

"Well, you're just the prettiest and most innocent thing, I can't have you wandering around this part of town all night, I'll regret it all of my life." He touched my straight, black hair and I looked into his hazel eyes. I didn't know what was more disgusting though, the words coming out of his mouth or his filthy, reeking breath. Who eats onions at a bar?

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