Milkshakes and Maybes

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Michelle's P.O.V

I opened my dorm's door with shaky hands and looked outside with teary eyes. Maybe Viktoriya was right, it was too good to be true. We met at a milkshake shoppe, a couple of hours after Burke cheated on me and it was love at first sight.

A secret part of me wanted to believe that maybe fairytales did exsist and maybe it was very good, and it became true. But this was the real world and the real world didn't have love at first sights or perfect love lives. Instead, the real world was full of terrible people and broken hearts. 

Dreams exsisted but they never came true. Happiness exsisted but was slowly diminishing. Hearts are broken, smiles are fake. Hope has been tossed down the drain as well. Now what do I have left?

I've finally gotten a grip on reality, but I still wanted to have a happily ever after.

Author's Note

BAM PLOT TWIST! This book may or may not be on hiatus anymore. Here's the reason why it was:

The book was all-around cliche, but I'm a sucker for cliche stories. I was more than a bit uninspired to write the story and I wanted to rewrite it. Some parts of the story will be rewritten to develop a better storyline and a new book in the Sweet Talk Series will be released soon (even though this one is still ongoing). I have been pre-writing chapters for the book and it will go up sooner or later.

Anyways, I'll still stick with this storyline, I'll detail the story better and make it a bit more realistic but still have it's cliche aura suround it. 

Anyways, enjoy the rest of the book and WE ARE SO CLOSE TO THE END! This is a short story by the way because these books are like short and sweet love stories. 


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