Milkshakes and Messages

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Michelle's P.O.V

I fixed my hair while I was walking up the pathway to my parent's house. Letting out a breath of air, I knocked my knuckles rapidly on the wooden door. The locks clicked and soon, my mother's head was peeking out of the shelter.

"Michelle!" She exclaimed. "You look like a tomato with a bird nest on your head! Why are you looking so ugly?" 

Breathing in some oxygen through my nose loudly, I ran my hand through my "bird nest." "Hello to you too mother, glad to see your doing well. May I come in?" I gestured inside the house as she stepped out of the way.

Taking my shoes off, I heard my father groan while getting up from his place on the couch. He walked into the hallway and gave me a smile.

"Hi Michelle, come on in. Your mother just made her famous xiaolongbaos." He led me into the kitchen and I could hear my mother following us.

I sat on a stool and was served a plate of steamy dumplings, the aroma reaching my nose and putting me into a trance.

"Don't eat too much," my mother said. "You'll get fat."

Rolling my eyes, but cautiously just in case she looked over and saw me, I grabbed my chopsticks and picked up the food. Stuffing the baos into my mouth, my stomach's feeling of uneasiness and worry slowly faded away. My mother was looking at me with slightly narrowed eyes as my father was reading the newspaper once again.

After finishing the plate, I pushed it aside and decided to be blunt with them.

"Mom, dad," I addressed them. My mother stopped her glaring and my father looked up from his newspaper. "I need to tell you guys something."

"Go ahead," my dad reassured, but I saw his brown eyes drift down to the paper once again.

Ignoring his gesture, I took a deep breath and spit out my words along with most of my confidence. "I don't want to marry Lorenzo Salinas."

The room went quiet and the feeling brought a certain tenseness to my body. I could feel my parent's stares and hear the ticking of the clock that was strategically placed on top of our fridge.

"Why?" My mother inquired. "Why don't you want to marry a handsome, smart, and rich young man that has a fantastic reputation, a college degree, and several investments in stocks already?" She looked at me expectantly. "Huh, why?"

Breathing in and out rapidly, I was trying to piece together words in my head something that would make my guardian's understand. "Why?" My mother asked again, interrupting my thoughts.

Gathering up my courage, I just decided to blurt it all out. "Because I don't love him mom! Isn't that the whole point of marriage? To marry someone you love? Why can't I marry someone I love? Lorenzo's a great guy, but he's not the guy for me!"

"Then who is the guy for you?" My mother questioned, her voice going a few octaves higher and a bit of her chinese accent breaking out.

"Scott. Scott Chazan. Scott Chazan is the guy for me," I told her with an abundance of hope and confidence inside me. "I love Scott Chazan."

"No!" My mother screamed while my dad's eyes widened. "No! You do not love him. It's just a silly game that you two are keeping up because you're both still young!"

"I may not love him forever, but I love him now mom! Can't you accept that?" I yelled.

"Don't raise your voice at me! I fed and clothed you and kept you under my roof and you can't even get married to the person I pick because you're too busy 'loving someone else.'" 

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