Milkshakes and Magazines

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Michelle"s P

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Michelle"s P.O.V

I watched the vivid conversation between my parents and the Salinas through my eyelashes. They were still talking about plans for the future and kept motioning to Lorenzo and I.

I slurped the dish of tomato-tortilla soup down silently while picking out the garlic as inconspicuously as possible. I swear, there's so much garlic in my soup dish that it's the reason why HBO had to cancel True Blood.

Suddenly, our cook, Annalise, came out and placed a platter full of cream puffs in front of us. I looked at the fluffy pastries that were stacked into a mountain so nicely, that a person diagnosed with OCD could feel satisfied. Unfortunately, the only thing I'm going to get diagnosed with is diabetes.

The parents didn't seem to notice the calorie monstrosity in front of them yet, so I took the top pastry quickly. Being the great hostess I am, I placed it on Lorenzo's plate and took one for myself.

I gobbled up the cream puff and saw that the adults have finally recognized the mountain of beautiful delicacies in front of them. Each of them were nibbling on the pastry with bites smaller than the country of Vatican City.

Lorenzo's mom, Ariana, looked up and glanced at us two as we were awkwardly staring around the room.

"Lorenzo, Michelle, why don't you two go out for a walk?" She asked, but the way she said it made it seem more like a command. "We're talking about business here, nothing you two would be interested in at this young age."

"Go on you two," my dad chuckled. "We're just talking about boring adult stuff now."

 "Just try to avoid the journalists, news reporters, and paparazzi," Juan told us.

We both got up from our chairs and quickly escaped the room.

As soon as we slipped outside, I shivered from the cold, splitting air. Why didn't I think to bring a jacket? You had one job Michelle.

I closed the front door and we walked in awkward silence, the only noise interrupting it was our footsteps.

"So," I started, "I didn't know journalists, news reporters, and paparazzi took interest into our lives."

He shrugged and let out a breath of air. "Yeah, usually news reporters only take interest in us if our stocks went down." 

"So, your parent's stocks went down?" I asked.

"Nope, my sister had an affair with this guy we met when we visited L.A. Turns out he was actually an actor. Now, everyone wants a piece of the action." He ran his hands through his hair and looked up at the San Diego night sky.

"Did she get pregnant?" Immediately, I regretted what I just said. 

He turned to look at me with his intense, brown eyes. 

"Okay, sorry. I really am," I said quickly. Did she get pregnant? Why would I ever say that?

He laughed a bit and shook his head. "No. But if she did my mom would've smacked the baby right out of her."

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