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Three Years Later. . .

Michelle's P.O.V

"Do you, Michelle Wong promise to love this man until death do you part?"

"Yes, I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Our lips touched, my cherry red ones with his soft, baby pink ones. Cheers erupted from the crowd and I could feel the sprinkling of rose petals on top of us. 

Us. Lorenzo Salinas and me.

We walked down the aisle, without me tripping on the white carpet like in the first five rehersals. I smiled wide, I really was happy. Lorenzo charmed his way into my heart. Of course we were forced together in the first place, but I can say truthfully, that I am now happily married.

Entering the dining hall, we sat down at our honorary table, smiling wide.

The evening was filled with glasses of bubbling champagne, scrumptious food, and laughter and joy all around. My wedding night was gone in a flash.

Meanwhile. . .

I paced around the bus stop, stuffing my hands in my pockets to keep myself warm from the cold. Waiting for the bus to come was one of the worst parts of my life because there's a high probability that it was arriving late.

Letting out a breath of air, I took a seat on one of the hard, plastic benches and pulled out my phone from my pocket.

I responded to a text message from my sister and opened the Instagram app. Scrolling through the pictures, I stopped at one particular one. 

It looked like a wedding photo. The bride had her long, black hair covered in a veil and a lacy white gown on her petit body. The man with tank skin was wearing a black and white suit with a red rose in the side pocket. Looking up at the instagram account, I saw the username. Smiling a bit, more sad than happy to be honest, I liked the picture and started scrolling again. 

One Week Later. . .

"You ready?" His husky voice asked me. 

Looking into his shining eyes, I smiled and nodded. 

His hand twisted and the click of the door sounded. Lorenzo pushed the wooden door open with his hand and revealed our new apartment.

We were greeted with a spacious living room and a kitchen with glass cabinets. Stepping on the hardwood floors, I admired the new place that we were about to call home. 

"Hey, I'm about to head down and help the moving company get some of our furniture." I felt his hand's weight on my shoulder. "Do you think you can open the curtains and windows so we could get some light?"

In response, I nodded. He walked out of the suite swiftly and I started opening the curtains, letting light flood the room.

Hearing the grunting outside, I ran quickly to the noise to help bring the furniture up.

Unpacking my personal boxes one by one, Lorenzo came into the master bedroom. He smiled at me while setting a lamp on the nearby nightstand and throwing a stack of pillows on the bed.

"I'm goint to go to McDonalds, want anything?" He asked.

"Get me one of their twenty piece chicken nugget boxes with a chocolate milkshake and a side of fries," I told him. 

He chuckled slightly. "Sure." He exited the room and the front door soon slammed shut. 

Taking out photo albums and a picture frame, I set it aside on the table. 

At the bottom of the box sat something small and yellow. It looked fluffy, almost as if it was a stuffed toy. Reaching down, my hand got ahold of the object and brought it back up. It was a small, stuffed llama, the one Scott won for me.

I played with it in my hands, memories drifting back into my mind. I held the stuffed animal to my chest, and let my small heartbreak ensue. Scott, how I'd love to just be out late sipping milkshakes.

Mom and Pop's Milkshake Shoppe

It was the end of the day. The night has washed over San Diego, California and customers were slowly going out the door instead of in.

I wiped down the tables and collected the dishes. Bringing them to the sink, I saw a glass on the counter down at the end.

Walking over, I looked around. Nobody was here or within an eleven foot radius from the drink. The glass was filled to the brim with a classic, chocolate milkshake. I looked at the seat and realized that it was in the exact same place where Michelle and I met. 

Looking back and forth between the seat and the milkshake, I sighed. Michelle, how I'd wish to be out late sipping milkshakes with you one last time.

• • • • • • • • • •

"The course of true love never did run smooth."

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