Chapter Three Memories and Feelings

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The sound of bird's chirping endlessly within the sun light, normally, the bell's would've rung, giving it a sign that it was the first bell. But today was a holiday, a celebration to celebrate the birth of Nicolas, the son of The Western King of Irá, Shizuoka. Ray's of sun light entered each dorm room. The sound of student's chattering filled the hall-ways, girls gathered in groups, dressing up in red, and white dresses, while the guys wore blue and grey clothing.

As ray's of sun light beamed through the window's, Kai laid asleep, his body turned aside, breathing steadily. Unaware of Kira who stood within only a few meter's. The academy coat he wore was different, it was more of a dark blue. A leather scabbard laid by his waist, while a wooden sword rested by his side. He watched the other boy sleep soundly, his soft breathing was comforting in a strange way.

Letting out a sigh, Kira walked forward, grumbling at the scene. '...If he doesn't get up, then there's a chance of him and I getting expelled.' He moved at a slow pace, letting out a stifled yawn. He wasn't bothered by the early morning gathering, after the last three the academy had, he had gotten use to it. But now he and Kai are partner's, they would end up having to participate in the gathering, and also, The Tournament of The Seven Sun's.

'But if he continue's to sleep in, then there's a chance we won't be able to practice, and enter the tournament...' Kira got closer, and closer to his partner's bed, though he was kind of fond of Kai's sleeping face, it made him smile. From where he was standing, the angle of Kai's face, and Kira's position, it looked like he was younger than him.

'...I'm fifteen, and what is he, thirteen, fourteen?' He asked himself this, only pondering on the question for a moment, then began shaking the boy's body. "...What?"

"Wake up, Kai. It's time for the gathering."

"...No one informed me about this."

Kira laughed as Kai continued to complain. "Get up, or you won't have time to eat breakfast." And with that, Kai bolted up from his bed, his blue eyes widened, making Kira look at him in confusion.

"Okay! I need you out of the room, right now!"



He quickly turned, and headed for the door, trying to avoid his partner's wrath. Objects hailed at him, causing him to duck. 'Holy moly! What the hell!?' Kira moved quickly, dodging the flying objects. "Crap! Crap! Crap!" He shouted, unaware of a book that was above him.



"Oh my god! Kira! I'm so sorry!"

"...Uh, eh?"

Kira laid against the door, confused, and afraid, he rubbed his head to try and relieve the pain. But he was surprised how quick his partner was to snap from her anger trans. '...It hurt, but I can't let him feel bad.'

He let out a soft sigh, and spoke clearly. "Don't worry about it.... Well, anyways, I'll meet you by the cafeteria door's, sayonara!" Kai watched him wave, as he opened the door to leave. The door latched, and he gave a light chuckle.

"Hey, what about mrs. Mizaku? I heard she's a good looking teacher."

"No, my money is on Lena-sempai."

"What a load of crap!"

'...Goodness, these guys are loud!'

Kira thought, and began reading his book. The title was literally called Aria of The Starless Night. He had a passion for reading, he loved the way the writer's would speak in poetic words, making him feel amerced within the story, and the theme. Though the endless chatter filled his ear's, making it impossible for him to focus on the page.

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