Chapter Three

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"It'd be quicker if we go left."

Zayn lifts his head from the cold window of the car. Liam is paying him no attention at all. He's too busy leaning forward in his seat, talking to the driver. Zayn never speaks to the drivers. Someone gives them the address, Zayn gets in the car, and he stares out the window until he arrives.

Which is basically what he'd done today, only someone was sliding into the seat beside his as he pulled shut his door. Someone who actually put on their seatbelt and then sat there with their hands folded carefully in their lap. Someone who's currently trying to tell their driver how to do their job, because apparently doing his own isn't enough for him.

"What are you doing?" Zayn hisses.

Liam spares him only a short glance. "We'll get stuck in traffic if we go this way. If we go left, take Macon, and then go up Howard, we'll get there faster."


"No, he's right," the driver says, instantly following Liam's directions. "I forgot about the construction they're doing. Howard's the better route."

Liam sits back in his seat. He doesn't look smug, the way Louis would. He looks like a child that raised their hand in class and got a sticker for getting the right answer. "See? I can be useful. I know this city like the back of my hand."

Zayn goes back to staring out the window. The streetlights flash by, already turned on even though it's not completely dark yet. It's just early enough that they'll get to the club before the crowds start really pouring in, which is exactly how Zayn likes it. Only, he won't tonight, since he's got a freaking babysitter.

He'd fought tooth and nail over bringing Liam tonight, but no one listened to him. He's done great, up until this point, in proving to everyone that he doesn't need a constant bodyguard. He'd went out on Tuesday to do some shopping with Niall. On Friday he and Harry went to the movies and got dinner. The other day he'd pulled on a hat and glasses and went for a walk through the city to clear his head. But tonight - his first night since the incident that he's actually going out partying- he has to take Liam.

It's also the first time he's seen Liam since the day they interviewed him. He has no idea who officially hired Liam to be his bodyguard, but it sure as fuck wasn't Zayn. Not that any of this is actually Liam's fault, he constantly has to remind himself. Liam, for his part, is just doing the job he's paid to do. It's not fair of Zayn to resent him for it, but knowing that and stopping himself from feeling that way are two different things.

They pull up in front of Radioactive, and Zayn waits only long enough for the car to come to an actual stop before he's pushing open the door and getting out. There's only a bouncer out front, no line yet. Give it an hour, not even, and that'll change. But Radioactive if the kind of club where it doesn't matter how long you stand in line; you could be out there all night, and they still might not let you in. Some day's they're more exclusive than others and, as unfair and morally wrong as it is, sometimes only the attractive people are let in.

Behind him, Zayn hears Liam's door open, followed by a polite "Thank you." Zayn rolls his eyes, he can't help it. Seriously, who is this kid? Is his managerial team aware of the fact that they hired Bruce Banner when they thought they were getting the Hulk?

Zayn leaves Liam behind as he heads for the doors, but Liam jogs to keep up with him. He doesn't need I.D.. The bouncer takes one look at him and steps out of the way, and Zayn walks straight in. He turns back around when he realizes Liam's not behind him. The bouncer is now between them, and Zayn can tell that he's giving Liam a hard time.

He could just go inside. Hell, Liam might not ever make it in, and isn't that what Zayn wants? To not have Liam trailing behind him? But he meets Liam's eyes over the guy's shoulder, and with a sigh he says, "He's with me."

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