Chapter Six

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There's an uncomfortable atmosphere in the car. The last two times, Liam had been reserved but still friendly. Today, he's sitting rigidly in his seat, hands on his legs, bunching up the fabric of his jeans. He's staring intently out the window, like Zayn always does, with a bored, annoyed look on his face.

Two can play at that game, Zayn thinks. Because he's not any happier at the moment. He just wants to do some shopping. He needs a new pair of shoes, maybe a few shirts because most of what he currently has in his closet right now is sweaters, since he donates his clothes to charity every couple months and he doesn't have anything that's suited to the current weather. Shopping is something he used to do alone, for the most part. Now Liam has to follow him from store to store.

So Zayn resolutely stares out the window. When they get to the shopping district, the car drops them off in front of one of Zayn's favourite shops. It'll pick them back up here in about an hour and a half, or whenever Zayn calls.

He gets out of the car, not sparing a glance for Liam, and heads straight into the shop. It's cool inside, cooler than it was outside, and he's grateful for the thick red sweater he's wearing. He hears the door open behind him, but he doesn't turn to check if it's Liam.

Two stores later, and Zayn's mood is considerably worse. The clouds overhead are gray, and he thinks it's fitting. Liam is like a mannequin that he sees in every store. He spends the whole time silently brooding with his arms crossed, watching Zayn and the rest of the room carefully, never speaking. Twice, Zayn asks him his opinion on something, and Liam just grunts at him.

He's spent years in this business, and while Zayn isn't exactly what you'd call a diva, he's been around enough of them to know the behaviour. And if Liam wants to act like a petulant child, so can Zayn.

"Carry these for me," he snaps, shoving his bags in Liam's direction.

Liam glares at him. "That's not my job. My job is -"

"To protect me," Zayn finishes with a roll of his eyes. "Whatever. Protect me while carrying my bags."

"I can't do my job if I'm carrying your stuff," Liam points out.

Zayn huffs out a breath and stomps away from him, struggling a bit because, really, his bags are actually a bit heavy. He pushes out the door of the store they're in, and purposefully swings the door behind him. It nearly hits Liam, but his hand reaches out to stop it, unfortunately.

"I'm stopping to get something to drink," Zayn decides when they pass a Starbucks. "I need a break from carrying all this shit."

Liam takes one look inside the shop and snorts. "We're not going in there."

Zayn freezes. "Excuse me?"

"We're not going in there," Liam repeats. He jerks his head at the all-windowed from of the store. As soon as Zayn looks, a camera flash blinds him momentarily. Immediately, Liam grabs his arm and starts pulling him forward. "Too public. Come on."

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