Chapter Seventeen

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WARNING: Slight smut

"What- happened to- me not being your- oh- type?" Liam pants, words coming out choked.

Zayn groans and bites at his neck, pushing him harder up against - the table, is it? He can't tell. The tour bus is really not made for this kind of thing, and he's sure Liam's back is aching. "Lied," Zayn says simply, pulling back to watch his teeth marks appear and disappear on Liam's skin. "Have you looked at yourself? You're everyone's type."

"I'm pretty sure that's you," Liam argues, hands pulling up the back of Zayn's shirt. His nails sting as they scratch up Zayn's back, and it's fucking lovely, really. "Kiss me again, Zayn. Come on. Please."

So he does, lips skating over Liam's jaw, first, then his cheek, finally landing on his mouth. Liam's lips are already parted, and he bites at the bottom one. It's full and pink and slick from earlier kisses, and he can't help it. He doesn't regret the decision when Liam lets out a whine, either, and he does it again just because he can.

The only dilemma he's currently having is deciding whether he'd rather push Liam down against the nearest surface and see how long it takes until he's writhing and whining, or have Liam mandhandle him up against a wall and show him what he's really made of. It's a tough decision. So instead of making it, he kisses Liam again until Liam's tugging at his hair and pushing his tongue into Zayn's mouth.

Zayn stumbles backwards and fists a hand in Liam's shirt, pulling him along, and now it's his back that hits something (armrest of the couch, he thinks, but he's not entirely certain) and Liam crowds him up against it, fitting a leg between both of his own. Zayn grinds against him on instinct, fully hard already and not embarrassed about it at all, mostly because Liam's lips slip from his own as he lets out a low moan.

"Is this really happening?" Liam asks, words coming out between the kisses he's pressing to Zayn's neck.

Zayn tilts his head, giving him more room. "Pretty sure it is, yeah."

"Sorry," Liam says quickly, hands sliding up and down Zayn's sides, like he can't quite control them. Zayn knows that feeling, too, since it's vibrating through his body and all he can think is LiamLiamLiam and all he can feel is Liam and this insistent need to get more. "I'm just trying to wrap my head around how this is really happening."

Liam's words fade away as he bites at Zayn's neck. His teeth sink in, just a bit, and Zayn keens because ouch but also yes, because that feels so fucking good that he almost forgets. "No marks," Zayn groans, tugging at Liam's hair. "No marks where people can see them."

"Sorry, sorry," Liam mumbles again, kissing the spot as if to make up for it. He pushes at the collar of Zayn's shirt, and there's this quiet tearing sound, like he ripped the seams, but Zayn doesn't even care because Liam's stretching the material down over his shoulder and sucking at the skin there instead. "Here okay?"

He's trying to listen to Liam's words, he really is, but getting Liam out of his shirt seems a lot more important, in this moment, than trying to have a conversation. "Yeah, sure," Zayn says offhandedly, tugging at the bottom of the shirt. "Can you just. Off now, yeah?"

Liam takes a step back and pulls his shirt over his head. Zayn watches it fall to the ground, and then he slowly moves his gaze up Liam's legs and then- fuck. He's just - fuck.

"What?" Liam asks, raising a single eyebrows.

He knows Liam's muscular. He's exposed to those ridiculous fucking arms on a daily basis. But he wasn't prepared for how wide Liam's chest is, or the defined stomach muscles, or the dark, course hair that covers his chest and his stomach, or his thick shoulders and collarbones that Zayn wants to mark with his lips and his teeth, and- Basically Liam is just really, really fucking hot, to the point where it's almost offensive.

Tunnel Vision » Ziam AU «Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora