Chapter Nineteen

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He should have known. He should have seen this coming. It was only a matter of time, and Louis is such a fucking gossip.

He remembers the time when he brought all the boys to visit his family. It was only about two years ago, and he'd been really nervous, for several reasons. He wanted his family to like his friends, but he also needed his friends to like his family. Of course, they all had. Everyone loves Josh naturally, and Niall kept complimenting his mum's cooking, winning over her heart immediately. His sisters loved Harry instantly, and Louis - Louis and his mother are actually friends. Like, call each other once every couple days, talk about their days and their relationships and their jobs type of friends. Like two long distant girlfriends who moved away from each other after University or something. It's really freaking weird, the fact that sometimes his mum calls Louis to check up on him, and sometimes Louis knows things about their lives before Zayn does.

Zayn has told them countless times that they aren't allowed to be friends. And in times like this, he really wishes he'd of put his foot down a little harder.

He stares down at his phone and considers not answering. Liam's napping beside him, almost completely naked. He doesn't sleep in clothes, Liam. This is something Zayn learned almost immediately. They don't fool around often (only twice after that first time, and never crossing that final line, though Zayn thinks about it a lot), but Liam still strips out of his clothes every night and climbs into bed in just his boxers. It might be one of Zayn's favourite things about him. If he had it his way, Liam would never be fully dressed.

He knows exactly what this call is about. He's been waiting for it, actually, and he's surprised that she waited so long. And while he normally looks forward to their occasional phone calls, even if they always end in tears, this time he isn't. But he can't just ignore her, not without feeling guilty about it until he caves and calls her back, so he presses 'talk' and lifts his phone to his ear. "Hey, mum."

"Zayn," she says happily. "You're not busy, are you?"

Zayn looks at Liam's sleeping figure, and Liam lets out a quiet snore before tucking his hand under his chin. He looks lovely like that, curled up on himself, eyelashes fanning over his cheeks. "Nah, I'm not busy."

"You're with him, aren't you?" she guesses.

Maybe it's because he's the only boy, but Zayn's always had a closer relationship with his mum than his sisters do, or than he has with his father. And, except for Harry, she knows him better than anyone in the world. So is doesn't really surprise him that she caught on that easily, but he still makes an embarrassed sound. "Mum."

"Tell him I said hello," she says.

Zayn winces. "He's, um, sleeping, actually."

It's silent for a beat. "Good. Tell me all about him before he wakes up."

Zayn rolls his eyes. There's a reason her and Louis get along. They're both really similar, in the weirdest ways. "I'm sure Lou already told you everything."

"He didn't, actually. He was surprisingly vague. He just said that his name is Liam, and he's your bodyguard, and you're very fond of him."

Zayn absently brushes a hand over Liam's, the one that's hanging over his back, arm bent at an odd angle because he'd fallen asleep while trying to hold Zayn's hand. "I am," he admits.

"Aw," his mother coos. "When do I get to meet him?" A pause. "And when do I get to see you again? I miss you."

"I miss you, too," he says, and his voice is getting thick already. "Hopefully soon. We have a two week break coming up, before we fly to the states. I was planning on coming home for a few days."

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