Chapter Five

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"You know who's hot? Daniel Sharman. He could. He definitely could."

Zayn sighs to himself and shovels another piece of broccoli into his mouth. He's trying to eat healthier, since his tour starts in the middle of April, and everyone likes him to be in his best shape for when he starts getting on stage every night. Which is why he's eating broccoli. Broccoli is super healthy. Although, admittedly, smothering it in cheese probably isn't, but whatever.

"Did you seriously come over here just to watch Teen Wolf?" he asks of Louis, who's sprawled across Zayn's couch like he owns it. Or like he was invited, which he wasn't.

Louis tears his eyes away from the screen only long enough to make a face at Zayn. "I can't be at my place," he says dismissively.

Zayn frowns at him. "Why not?"

Louis sighs, all dramatics. He sits up and tugs on the strings of his sweatpants. "Hair date," he mumbles. Or that's what it sounds like.

"What was that?'

"Harry has a date," Louis snaps. "Wanted me out of the flat by the time he got back, probably so he could have sex or something. I don't know. Stop asking me questions, Zayn, Scott McCall is speaking."

Zayn lets it go, placating himself with a promise to call Harry tomorrow morning. That way he can get the details himself, and also do his best to mend whatever happened between Harry and Louis that would make Harry go out with someone else. Not that it's his relationship, or his problem, but they're opening the European part of his tour in less than three months, and he sort of needs their band to not fall apart.

"This is why you shouldn't have sex with your friends," Zayn mutters to himself.

Louis, with his freaky bat-like hearing, glares at him for a long moment before he sighs and turns his gaze back to the television. There's no arguing with that, and they both know it.

"You know what would cheer me up?" Louis asks abruptly. "If you called that gorgeous bodyguard of yours to come over and hang out with us."

Zayn looks up at him, lips parted. He hasn't seen Liam in almost a week. Alright, four days. Not that he's been counting, okay? His life is scheduled down to the minute, practically, and he remembers the exact date of his last interview, which is totally normal and has absolutely nothing to do with Liam or his stupid arms or... or anything.

The only upside to this 'Have Liam With You Everywhere You Go' thing is that Zayn doesn't really go anywhere often. He either eats takeout every night or orders groceries online, for the most part. He doesn't get much time off, really, and when he does he spends as much of it as he can in his apartment.

"No," Zayn says simply.

"Isn't it his job to be at your beck and call? Couldn't you just ring him and get him over here?"


Louis scoffs at him and reaches for Zayn's cellphone, which he'd left on the coffee table after talking to his mum this morning. Zayn jumps out of the recliner instantly, but Louis' climbing over the back of his couch (his expensive couch that costs more than any couch has any right to) and flicking through his contacts.

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