Chapter Eighteen

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And it's that easy. That easy to just slip into this thing with Liam. Relationships, technically, but it feels like more than that, ridiculously enough. Nights spent on the tour bus playing video games with Liam that end with them both sprawled out in Zayn's bed, out of breath from kissing and teasing each other. It's during these nights that Zayn learns everything he can about Liam, quietly muttered secrets that shine light on the darker parts of Liam's life that Zayn had yet to discover. He learns that Liam dropped out during his last year of college, and that he'd decided on security because it was easy and he liked the idea of protecting people. His favourite colours are blue and red ("I can't chose between them," he'd whined when Zayn asked) and he doesn't like ice cream at all. He's got two sisters, and his parents are still together, and he visits them as often as he can. He likes the same kind of music as Zayn and likes the same kind of movies and TV shows. And they just fit, so fucking easily. It's like this was meant to happen, like Zayn is meant to fit in the spot just under Liam's arm, tucked against his side. It's like Liam's lips were made to fit against Zayn's.

This is both a wonderful and terrible thing, in Zayn's opinion. It's great when they're alone. When they're at a hotel and he sneaks Liam into his room, or when they're on the bus. Because no one's around, and they don't have to hold back. He can lean over and capture Liam's lips with his own and push him against the back of the sofa and run his fingertips over Liam's skin. He can bury his face in the crook of Liam's neck and laugh without a care because he doesn't have one. But they can't live in these places, and it's hard. Being out in public with Liam and not being able to touch him drives Zayn mad. Not being able to just grab his hand and show him off.

And he can't always resist that urge to touch Liam like they're alone, so it's really no surprise that they get caught.

They're out on the town for the day. Louis and Niall wanted to do some shopping, and Zayn figured he could use the fresh air and maybe a t-shirt that isn't wrinkled and hasn't been worn fifteen times. He never packs enough when he goes on tour, and it's actually a surprise that he's lasted this long. Though, admittedly, he would have run out of clothes a while ago if he hadn't taken to stealing Liam's shirts because they smell like him.

Lou and Niall are in the change rooms, and Liam's slouching around, looking a bit lost. Zayn's got a t-shirt in his arms that he wants to try on after one of the change rooms is free, and he sneaks up behind Liam and presses his lips to the very obvious, very noticeable lovebite on his neck. ("I thought you said no visible marks!" "On me. You're fair game, Liam.")

Liam doesn't even jump. It's like he's memorized how Zayn's lips feel, and he doesn't have to turn to know it's him. "What are you doing?" he asks, holding still, like he's worried Zayn will stop if he moves.

Zayn grins against his neck. "Mine," he whispers, because Liam is, even if it's not permanent. Who knows how long this will last? How long they'll both be willing to do this? But Zayn's not thinking about that. He's only thinking about the fact that they have this for now, and that's enough for him.

Liam finally turns, a fond grin on his face. "You're very possessive," he says. "I didn't realize that when we first started this."

Zayn shrugs. "Does that bother you?"

"No," Liam says. He leans in, lips so close to Zayn's that he almost has to taste them. "As long as I get to leave marks on you one day. Show everyone that you're mine, too."

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