Chapter Twenty Nine

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*Sexy Ziam time! aka smut and fluff and hot tubs!*

The hotel room is, admittedly, huge. Liam had only specified a hot tub and a TV, so Zayn has requested the most expensive room in the hotel they were staying at. And expensive it is, but for good reason. It's got an entire separate bedroom, a living area with a couch, and the bathroom is the size of Liam's entire flat. There's a giant tub with jets and enough room for four people, comfortably, a shower, a long sink, a little private area for the toilet. There's a balcony, and large sliding doors that lead out onto it. The bed is a huge four-poster affair with a black silk comforter and red pillows. The entire back wall of the hotel room is made of floor to ceiling glass walls, draped in red silk curtains. And it's costing him about eight thousand bucks a night.

"Zayn," Liam says when they walk in, looking more than a little stunned.

"I know," Zayn admits. "It's more over the top than you were expecting, but." He shrugs.

The bellhop comes into the room with their bags and quickly asks if they need anything. Zayn says no, thank you, and tips him before shutting and locking the door behind him.

"It's too much," Liam decides, and he hasn't even explored the entire room yet. "Way too much. How much is this costing you?"

Zayn wraps his arms around Liam from behind, lips finding the nape of his neck. "Not nearly as much as I'd be willing to spend on you," Zayn murmurs against his skin. "This is nothing, Liam. And don't tell me I'm not allowed to throw my money around and spend it on you, because that's bullshit. I work hard for my money, and I should be able to spend it on whatever I want, or whoever I want. And I want to spend it on you. It makes me happy to do that. So you should just accept it and move on."

Liam turns in his arms, head tipping onto Zayn's shoulder. "Thank you, then."

"Happy birthday, gorgeous," Zayn says into his hair. "Let's go explore this eight thousand dollar room. I'm expecting some chocolates on my pillows."

He starts moving towards the rest of the room, Liam's hand in his, but Liam is rooted to the spot. "What did you just say?"

"Um, chocolates?"

"Eight thousand— Zayn!"

Zayn groans. "It's one night, Liam! And you wouldn't let me fly you to Costa Rica, so I think this is a fairly good compromise."

"You're terrified of flying," Liam points out. "Why in the world would I let you do that?"

"I'm just saying," Zayn argues. "This is low-key compared to, like, renting us an entire island to spend the weekend alone together, right? So just — get over it and come check out the bed with me."

Liam glares but takes Zayn's hand, letting Zayn drag him through the room while he mutters, "Eight thousand fucking — my entire rent for half a year in one night— damn it, Zayn," under his breath.

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