Chapter Four

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The next time he sees Liam, almost three weeks have passed. He's got a huge promotional interview at a popular radio station, and he doesn't really see why bringing Liam along is necessary. Afterwards, he has a small meet and greet with a few fans. Why can't it just be his normal security? Why must Liam come, on top of everyone else?

But Zayn doesn't get a say in this, so he stuffs himself into yet another sleek, black car with the normal tinted windows and tries not to pout like a child when Liam gets in beside him. Is Liam his personal bodyguard, or his god damn golden retriever that can't be left home alone without tearing up the couch? He doesn't get it.

"Morning," Liam greets, and yeah, maybe that's why Zayn's in such a pissy mood.

He hates morning. Hates waking up. Hates anything cutting into his precious sleep. And he'd had a late night last night. When you're accustomed to falling asleep well past midnight, it's had to force yourself into an early bedtime even when you know you're going to regret it the next morning. Zayn knew he was going to regret it, and he does, but that does nothing to change his bad mood.

Instead of answering Liam, he grunts and pushes a pair of sunglasses onto his face, even if the interior of the car is relatively dark already. His phone, in his pocket, suddenly vibrates, and he rolls his eyes to himself before pulling it out.

He doesn't have to check the caller I.D. to know that it's someone from the office, probably calling to confirm that he's on his way. It won't be Willy himself, because he never bothers with the petty things like that. "Hello?"

"Hello, Zayn," says a pleasant, female voice. Eleanor, assistant, receptionist, intern, his PR agent. She's been all of those things during the time Zayn's worked for Storming Records, and he has no idea what her actual, official job is. "Just checking in on you. You're on your way to the station now, yes?"


"Good. And you brought Mr. Payne with you, correct?"

Zayn looks at Liam through the tinted lenses of his glasses. "Yeah. Though I don't see why. The rest of my security's meeting me there, aren't they? Little redundant to bring him, isn't it?"

"Not at all," Eleanor says swiftly. "It's Mr. Payne's job to accompany you whenever security precautions need to be taken. Even if your entire security staff is already waiting for you at the venue. He's your personal security guard. That means he'll be with you virtually any time you leave the house, Zayn. There will be instances where this isn't necessary, but you might want to get used to having him with you."

"You can't be serious."

"Your physical wellbeing is very serious, Zayn."

What about his mental wellbeing? "Whatever. Anything else?"

"Remember to put a smile on that pretty face! Other than that, no."

Zayn says goodbye and hangs up, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

"Are you really that upset that I'm here?" Liam asks, catching him off guard.

It throws him off, the way Liam looks like he walked out of a damn Sports Illustrated article, but still seems so quiet and soft around the edges. "No," Zayn says before he can even think through the answer But he is. Just - he can't really blame that on Liam, can he? "It's not you. I'm just bad in the morning before I've had coffee."

Liam looks like he doesn't believe this, but it's not his job to believe what Zayn's says, now is it? He sinks back in his seat and looks out the window again. It's going to be a very long day, and he wonders if Liam is even aware of what he's getting himself into. So far, he's only accompanied Zayn to the club that one time. That had been tame compared to the rest of his life.

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