Chapter 1- The Move

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"Come on Kels! You can't be mad! Your moving to Breaux Bridge! I've heard its beautiful! We'll be going to college there in a few months! Cheer up. It's not like you to be so down." Whined Becca. I put down the shirt in my hands and just stare at her. Not with a mean glare, but with a blank expression as if it would read 'really'?

"Your seriously asking me why i'm so upset? My parents got a divorce yesturday and now i'm being forced to move? I'm not mad at you Becca it's just frustrating." I hadn't looked back up at her. I didn't want her look of sympathy. Lately, that's all anyone gives me along with 'sorry Kels' or even 'it's for the best. You and your mom be so much better off!' I don't think so and I really just wish everyone would talk to me about other things. Anything else for that matter. Becca interupted my thoughts by bringing me into a hug.

"Quit worring Kels. Your stressing yourself out. Just breathe, we'll finish your packing, and hang out just like we used to. Ok?" She looks at me smiling. She always knows what to say.

"Thanks Becca." I return her smile. Then, she picks up my shirt and hands it to me as she grabs more out of my closet and starts to fold. Becca has always been my best friend. Mostly because she's the only one that understands me. She doesn't look at me like I wounded or like i'm different.


Becca and I were in the living room watching videos on youtube from her computer, hooked up to her wifi, because ours is packed away in a box labeled 'Computer Room'. I hear the garage door open and slam closed flinching each time because i'm unsure of when my mom will tell me that it's time to leave, for good. Becca belly laughs right in my ear hitting me in the process of her swinging backwards because of the video's content. I stare at the screen as she rewinds and soon we're almost rolling on the floor. I didn't even notice the door open then slam shut until my mom showed herself infront of us. Our laughs soon faded as we remembered what this meant for the both of us. We got up, Becca closed her laptop, and we hugged goodbye. Tears were falling slowly down our faces. Even if it's only for a few months, we've never been far from each other like this. Becca jerks away.

"Oh my God Kels, hold on I have to get something!" she exclaimed as she ran out the door probably for the last time. My mom locked the door behind her.

"Come on Kelsey, get your last suitcase. We'll meet her outside." she said calmly. I nodded in agreement. My mom and I grabbed my last suitcases, and I grab my guitar as I take one last look towards the house I'm leaving behind. The garage door slams behind me as i'm the last one out of my dad's house. My mom waits for me by the moving truck ready to load my last suitcase. I give it to her and look next door at Becca's house. She had opened the door and left it swinging open in the wind. She arrives infront of me, and gives me a pink gift bag.

"Here," she says pushing the bag in my hands, holding back tears. I take the bag from her hands and take out the tissue paper that lines the top. My mom takes the paper and begins to fold it back up, as if it were giving it back to the store. My mouth is wide open as I pull out the contents. It's a picture collage of our lives ever since we've been togther. It takes my full arm length so I give it to my mom and hug my best friend for the last time. I try to hold back tears but some escape me.

"We can call each other like all the time, and I'll try to make the best of our listening sessions, but remember its only a couple months. Everything will be back to normal before we know it ok?" She pulled back and starts walking back towards her house. Her father was outside yelling at her again probably for leaving the door open, and my mother and I get into her minivan. I pull my guitar beside me and begin to strum the lovely instrument. I look up as I wave to Becca's house as she waves from her porch with her family. Her big happy family. I will never have that again.

The Help From an Angel (a Hunter Hayes Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ