Chapter 28

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I stand outside the convenience store, trying my best not to look nervous and awkward, but that's my natural state, so I pretty clearly fail at my task.

I have no idea where we're going or what I'm in for. The only indication of what kind of place it would be was his single text earlier telling me to 'dress casual', as if that's such expert fashion advice. So here I am in black ripped jeans, a white top and a leather jacket. It's getting cold out in the evenings and I definitely want to avoid any kind of jacket-giving scenarios.

The thought of that brings my mind back to yesterday, when Sterling threw his hoodie over me to shield me from the gawking eyes of vicious Trinity students. Just thinking of that makes my cheeks flush and I curse myself mentally for acting like such a damsel, again. I hold that hoodie in my hands now, to return to him since I forgot yesterday.

I notice him walking up the pavement, and my stomach automatically tightens, for some reason. I'd gotten comfortable with him during camp, but now I'm back to feeling on edge when I'm around him, probably because of what happened yesterday and the day before. But I can't let him see that, or things will become awkward between us, and this night will be unbearable. I have to act normal, for both our sakes. I take a deep breath, and plaster a smile on my face.

When he approaches me, he glances me up and down, and looks pleased. "You look great, and your outfit is perfect for where we're going," he comments. It seems he's playing the 'act normal like nothing happened yesterday' card as well. He too is wearing a white T-shirt and black jeans. "We match. How cute, we look like a chic couple."

I clear my throat uncomfortably, and hand him his hoodie

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I clear my throat uncomfortably, and hand him his hoodie. He looks at it curiously, but doesn't reach out to take it.

"I was gonna let you keep it. It looked so much better on you than it ever did on me. Also, I wanted you to have something of mine."

"It's gonna be cold out tonight. Don't freeze your stubborn ass then expect me to give you my jacket."

"I'm touched. Thanks for being so concerned about me getting cold, ally."

"Just take the damn jacket. My arm is getting tired."

Sterling laughs at my agitated state, but still doesn't take it. He stands straight, and outstretches his arms to the sides, looking at me expectedly. "Yesterday I put the jacket on you, so you put it on me today. Then you won't have that burdensome debt crushing on your shoulders anymore."

I roll my eyes.

As he says that, the taxi starts to wind up the street. I go behind him with the hoodie in hand, and have to tiptoe to reach his head, where I throw the hood over his eyes, before making my quick escape towards the taxi.

"Hey!" he yells, and pulls the hoodie off his head, glaring at me as I playfully wink and retreat into the cab. He breaks out into a lopsided grin, shaking his head at my antics.

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