Chapter 2: Blind Eyes

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We entered Tylers home and was instantly crowded with crazy, drunk people. I held Brandon's hand tight as we made our way to the snack table. I grabbed myself a cup filled with some substance, and chugged it down. It ended up just being beer. I sighed and chugged down another one. Brandon grabbed the cup from me and set it on the table.

"Woah there. The night just started." He said. I smirked and when he turned around, I grabbed a shot of vodka and dumped that down my throat. "Lets go dance!" I shouted in his ear over the music. He nodded and led me over to the dance floor and we started dancing up on eachother. He grabbed my waist as I rubbed up against him.

After hours on dancing, I had to pee. I quickly made my way too the bathroom and slammed my fist on the door until the couple ran out. I rolled my eyes and walked inside. I looked at myself in the mirror too see my hair was still perfectly curled and my lipgloss was the only thing missed. It was probably all over Brandon's face by now. Suddenly, my stomach began to do cartweels. I quickly ran over to the toilet and heaved into it. My head spinning as well. I only hand four drinks. Maybe I just drank them too fast.

"Looks like you've had a lot to drink." A voice said from behind me. I wipped my mouth and looked up to see Isabella. My friend from school that I barely talk too. Yet we sit at the same lunch table together. I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine." I told her. She smirked and handed me a white round pill. I hesitaed. "Chill. It's advil. I promise." She laughed. I smiled and took it and popped it in my mouth. "Thanks." I said. "No problem. Toothbrush and tooth paste under the counter. Trust me theres like hundreds." She laughed. I looked under the sinke and sure enough, there were plenty. I quickley brushed all the nasty taste out of my mouth and made my way back to the dance floor to find Brandon.

"You alright?" He asked as I found him at the drink table. I nodded. "Just had to pee." I lied. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Here." He said, handing me another beer. I hesitated, but what the hell?

My mind started spinning and I couldn't see straight. What was going on? Five drinks doesnt get you THIS drunk. Suddenly, my knees gave out as I fell flat on the floor. Someone helped me up and it was Tyler. "Maybe I sh-should get you home?" He asked. He was just as drunk as I was. Maybe more. I shook my head. "No. No i want to stay." I protested. He shrugged. "Okay then. One more drink?" He asked. I smiled, kissed him, then nodded. "Hand it over."

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