Chapter 9: Reunion

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Its been two months since I announced I was pregnant. I go back to school in three weeks. I was terrified. I've already seen about ten people from my school while shopping and they saw my small belly forming. I had no choice but too tell them. You'd be surprised who was supportive, and you wasn't.

Tyler, Isabella, Adam, and Kyliee and I were going to the mall just to get away from everything. I was driving, Adam, Kyliee and Bella were in the back, and Tyler was next too me. We blasted Breathe Carolina through the speakers and were having a ball. 

When we came too a stop light, i look in my rear-view mirror and saw a white truck coming toward us. I tensed up for impact, but it was only a small hit on the back end. "Oh my god!" Kyliee said. I looked back as whoever was in  the car pointed towards the side for us too pull over. I rolled my eyes and quickly pulled over. I got out along with everyone else and lifted my hands into the air. "What the hell man?! What were you thinking?" I looked at the back of my car too see a large dent. My jaw dropped. "What the hell man?!" I repeated. The guy got out of the truck and my heart dropped into my stomach.

"Brandon." Tyler said behind me. He lifted his hands palms up infront of him. "I come in peace. I'm sorry I had a little too much to drink. I didn't see you." He said. I couldn't speak, I was breathless.

"Don't just stand there asshole. Are you going to pay for it or what?" Isabella yelled, her hands crossed over her chest. "Yes, cause I just have four hundred in my pocket." He prostested. Tyler put his hands on my waist and pulled my toward him, noticing I was silent and pale.

"What is this?" Brandon asked looking straight into Tyler's eyes. "What is what?"

"Why are you arms around my girl?" He asked. Tyler pushed me behind him. "Shes not your girl anymore, bro. She never was."

"Hell yeah she is. And your hands shouldn't be around her."

"Your facebook status says single, Brandon. You said you didn't want any part of me as long as I have my baby." I told him. "Yeah? Well now I want it. I want you."

"It doesn't work like that, man." Adam said. "You shut up!"

"Don't talk to him like that!" Kyliee said. "Look, Just let me have my girl back, and we can all pretend this never happened."

Tyler pushed me towards the car. "Get in the car." He whispered. "Tyler no!" I whispered back. "Go." He said. Bella and Kyliee took my arms and pulled me back. "Brandon please! Just go away!" I cried.

"No. I'm the father. You can't kick me out of it's life whether you like it or not."

"Tyler, Adam, forget him just get in the car." Kyliee called. Adam looked over at Tyler and nodded. He headed over into the car along with Kyliee and Bella. Tyler walked closer to Brandon. "You stay away from her. Understand?" He whispered. Brandon smirked and jumped back into his car and drove off.

Tyler walked back to me and wrapped his arms around my neck as I wept in his chest. "Don't ever do that again. Please?" I asked him. "I'm sorry, Darcy. I promise." He whispered.

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