Chapter 11: Torn Between Two

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I stared at Brandon in disbelief. "Why a sudden change of heart?" I ask.

"Because I was being an asshole. I went to a therapist and talked too her for four hours."

"You paid for four hours?"

"Yes I did. And that four hours made me realize that I only want you in my life. I only need you in my life. You've made me into a bigger person, Darcy." He said. My eyebrow raised. "How?"

"What sport do I play?" He asked. I hesitated. "Football?" I asked obviously. He nodded. "Why do I play football?"

I shrugged.

"Because you told me too try out. You encouraged me too go for quarter back. And now, i have a scholarship to one of the biggest colleges for football in the nation. You know how big that is for me?" He asked. I nodded. "I know. But what does that have too-"

"If I never had you by my side, I wouldn't be a quarterback. I wouldn't be going to one of the highest universities in the nation. You changed my life. I need you, Darcy." He said. His eyes started to tear up. His body was closer to me now, almost pressed against me. He lifted my face up to his and pressed my lips against his own.

The feeling of his lips and tounge against mine made me think of the day we first started dating. His arms wrapped around my waist, and my arms around his neck. My fingers running through his hair.

Suddenly, I pulled away and ran upstairs. Shutting my bedroom door and locking it. I slid my back down the door and brought my knees too my chest. Tears streaming down my cheeks.

What have I done?

"Darcy! What happened?!"

"Go away!" I yelled.

"No, not until you open the door and talk to me."

"You know I'm with Tyler! Yet you still try and ruin everything!"

"Darc, I'm not trying to do anything. Just open the door and talk too me. Please?" He asked. I wipped the tears from my face and slowly stood up. I opened the door and Brandon stood there of course. His face red.

"I'm not asking you too forget or break-up with Tyler."

"Then what are you asking?"

"I'm asking too be back in your life. If not as a boyfriend, as a bestfriend. As a father." His eyes travel down to my little bump of a stomach. A tears falls from my eye as I wrap my arms around Brandon's neck and hug him tight. "Thank you." I whisper.

"I will always love you. Even if you don't love me back."

That killed me. Because little did he know, I do.

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