Chapter 6: Abandon

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I was going to get bigger, fatter, moodier, hungrier, and so far i've been throwing up every morning for seven days. Luckily, i do it before mom and dad wake up. Which has made me so tired. Getting up at 5:30 in the morning just too puke my guts out? This baby sure is harsh on me. I had to get a hold of Brandon. Somehow. I havn't been in touch with him for a week. I even think he stopped caring.

The sound of mom and dad leaving for work woke me up. I slowly got up and brushed my hair and got dressed. Like i was going anywhere anyways.

I walked downstairs when a shadow infront of me made me jump. I looked up too see Brandon standing infront of me. "Brandon!" I cried wrapping my arms around his neck. "Darcy! Where have you been?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I've tried calling your phone all week! I was so worried about you!" He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I quickly pushed him off. "No thanks too you! You're the reason you couldn't get a hold of me! I cant leave the house, and they took my phone you jackass!" I yelled. "Darcy, you could of easily called them-"

"Yes but they didn't know that I was drunk out my mind!" I told him. He sighed. "Look okay, i'm sorry. I was just worried about you." He said.

I suddenly remembered that there was something living in my stomach. I had too tell him, but how?

"Brandon." I said. I couldn't say anything else. I was frozen. "What? What is it?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant, Brandon." I told him. His eyes when dead. Like he wasn't living anymore. He frowned and his face turned pale. "You're....You'e what?!"

"Brandon I'm pregnant." I repeated. I'm surprised I had a better time talking then he did. "No...You're not pregnant." He said. My eyebrow raised. "You think I'd lie about this?"

"But...We didn't..I didn't..."

"Brandon, we did have sex. And it's yours."

"How do you know?"

"Brandon! It is yours. Don't you go trying to deny it." I told him. He started running his fingers through his hair and pulled it so hard I thought it would come out. "This isn't possible." He whispered. "Oh, it deffinatly is." I protested. "Well, what are you going to do with it? Can't they just kill it with a needle or something?" He asked. I paused for a second. I never gave it any other thought then too keep it. "You mean abortion? I never was thinking abortion."

"Don't you think thats best? I mean, easier for you, for me-"

"Not easier for the baby." I told him. He sighed. "Well, i'm not keeping it!"

"What do you mean YOU'RE not keeping it?"

"Well...I don't want anything too do with it."

"Brandon it's your child!" His body tensed up and his face cringed. "Stop saying that!"

"Why?! It's true!"

"No it's not! Look, just have an abortion and this will all be over with. Like nothing ever even happened." I crossed my arms over my chest in anger. "I'm not killing a baby, Brandon. End of story."

"Well, then. I'm out."

"Out? Of what?"

"This relationship. Your life. I'm not going to take care of a baby. I'm eighteen and i'm going into college in four months i can't just quit it all for you!" He yelled. My heart stopped. I felt myself slowly stop breathing. So much anger in me built up, tears streamed down my face. "I can't believe you said that too me." I whispered. His face softened. "Darcy I'm sorr-"

"Get out!!" I screamed. "Darcy I didn't-"

"GET OUT!" I yelled louder, shoving him out the door. I slammed the door shut and slidding down the wall pressing my knees to my chest. I had just lost my boyfriend, my life, and possibly, my baby.

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