Chapter 4: Trouble

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I raced outside to find Brandon heading towards his truck. "Brandon please don't leave! I'm sorry! I was drunk!"

"And thats your excuse?" He asked. I sighed. "Brandon please. You were just as drunk as I was."

"And did you see me all over the girls at the party?! No!" He shouted. "Brandon, we all make mistakes."

"Damnit, Darcy. I don't care about mistakes. There were all kinds on hot girls at that party last night. I could of easily taken one to bed, someone that wasn't you! But did I? No!"

"I didn't take one to bed! I just kissed him!" I reached for his hand but he whipped it away. "Obviously enough that he knows what flavor gum you were chewing." He said. Tears started streaming down my face. "Brandon, please. I'm sorry." I whispered. "Can you walk home from here alright?" He asked. My eyebrow raised. "What?"

"Look, I'm hungover, annoyed, sore, and I don't feel like dealing with you right now, okay? Promise me you can get home alright." He demanded. I slowly nodded. He leaned down as if he were to kiss my cheek, then stopped and got into his car. As he drove away, I i sat down and brought my knees to my chest. Suddenly, Tyler appeared next to me, holding my clothes. "Darcy?"

"Why'd you have to do that?! Why?! I love Brandon!" I yelled at Tyler. He sighed. "Darc, i'm sorry I honestly didn't think he'd get so mad."

"Yeah? Well, he did. So now what?" I asked. Tyler sighed again, not knowing what too say next. "I'm sorry, Darcy. Really I am." He said. I half smiled. "It's alright. It is my fault i shouldn't of kissed you in the first place anyways. I guess Brandon was going to find out someday." I said. Tyler chuckled. "I would offer a ride home, but..My parents are coming home in about three hours. I gotta clean up and get all the passed out people out of my house." He laughed. "Thanks. I'll be okay." I told him. He helped me up and and handed me my clothes. "Call me when you get home alright? I'm sorry, again."

After I got dressed, a car horn beeped outside. I ran out, hoping it was Brandon, but in the car window it was Isabella. I was somewhat relieved. I ran over and got inside. "Hey, didn't think it would be safe for you to walk home looking like that." She told me. She was right. My hair was messed up, my clothes were wrinkly, and my make-up was smeared. I smiled at her but didn't say anything. "Wheres Brandon?" She asked.

"Um, he found out that I had kissed Tyler and...He wasn't too happy."

"What?! You were drunk! You couldn't help it."

"But he was right. He was just as drunk as I was. He wasn't on anyones mouth." I sighed. "Wait, so what happened?"

"What happened when?"

"This morning! Tyler told me.." I cringed, not wanting to relive the moment. "Are you pregnant?!"

"No! Well...I mean..I don't know. I don't remeber having sex."

"Cause you were drunk out of your mind. Of course you don't remember it." We pulled up too my house and when I got out, my stomach started swirling again. I quickly bent over and heaved into the yard. Isabella started laughing. I wipped my mouth and slammed the door. "You think this is funny? Its just the alcohol." I said to her through the open window. "Okay, hunny. But seriously, Darc. Take care of yourself, okay? Call me, alright?"

"Okay. Thanks." I told her, annoyed. She drove off and I grabbed a hose and washed away most of the alcohol on my lawn.

I slowly opened the door, and it was silent. My parents were at work. Yes!

I crept upstairs and and opened the door to my room. "Where have you been?!" I looked up too see my mom and dad sitting on my bed. 

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