Chapter 8: Just Me And You

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I told Dad. He took it pretty well. I was surprised he was even talking to me, let along in a calm voice. It felt as if a thousand pounds were lifted off my shoulders once he said,

"It's okay. You're still my baby girl".

The next day, both mom and dad were at work and I had nothing too do all day. I got dressed in shorts, and a black cami. I was probably almost eighty outside. I wasnt too hungry, but i guess the baby was craving nothing but chocolate. I grabbed a candy bar from the fridge and sat down on the couch watching MTV.

Teen Mom came on and I quickly changed the channel before I got sick to my stomach.

Suddenly, the door bell rang and I slowly got up and opened it to Tyler.

"Tyler!" I cried wrapping my arms around him. For some reason, I became the happiest person in the world seeing him at my door. "Hey Darcy. Um, have you been on facebook lately?" He asked. My eyebrow raised. "No. Havn't really had the time."

"Maybe you should check out Brandon's page." He told me. My heart started sinking and there was a pit in my stomach. I slowly turned towards my computer and opened Brandon's page. "I don't see anything." I whispered. "Look closer." Tyler said behind me.

"He changed his relationship status to single?" I cried. He shrugged. "I saw it...And i thought you should see it too." I kept the tears from running down my face and closed the window and stood up. "Then I guess its official." I said.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I took a deep breath. "Yes. I have too except it." I said. Tyler smiled and took my hand. "Come on. Were going somewhere." He said. My eyebrows raised. "Where?"

"You'll see," He winked.

I got into his car as he drove me too a familiar place. It was Beach Makida. The beach where we first met. I haven't been here since that day. "You did not." I told him. He chuckled. "I did."

I quickly got out as soon as he parked and ran out into the beach. The warm soft sand between my toes, the fresh smell filling my nostrils. It was like I was transported back to the time we first met. "This is amazing!" I smiled. Tyler caught up with me and took my hand, pulling me towards the water. "No! I'm not going to get wet!"

"You should of brought your swim suit!" I looked too see he wasn't wearing his swim wear either. "You didn't tell me where we were going!"

"Oops." He laughed. I pulled myself back, but Tyler was stronger. He lifted my legs from the sand and carried me bridal style into the water. I quickly splashed him in the face. "You jerk!" I cried. He started to laugh. And I couldn't help but giggle myself.

After we got tired from the ocean, we crawled onto the towel Tyler had laid out on the sand. I lay my head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you." I whispered. "For what?" He asked. I rested my chin on his chest and looked into his deep blue eyes. "For making sure I know you'll be there for me. When certain people werent. So thank you." I whispered. He smiled. "No problem. You deserve someone better then Brandon."

"Like who?" I winked. Tyler smiled. He lifted himself and proped his body on his elbow. He swiped the hair and placed it behind my ear, pulling my face towards his. Our lips conected and the warmth of his body covered mine. Suddenly, there was no memory of Brandon in my mind. No memory of any guy who has been in my life. I only thought of Tyler. The taste of his tounge on mine, and the feeling of his hands on my waist. I smiled inbetween every kiss.

It was just me and him.

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