Chapter 3: Last Night

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My head started pounding. My body was warm, but my toes, my fingers, and my arms were freezing. All i saw was black. No color, no person, nothing. Where was I? Was I still at Tyler's house? Was I home? Where's Brandon? Tyler? Isabella? It was also silent. Not a sound came from anywhere around me. Was I dead? No. Im not dead. Am I?

With all my strength, I opened up my eyes and a light came through the streaky window infront of me. I was in a bedroom, and I was in the bed. I looked under the covers to see I was naked. I looked to my right and saw my clothes scattered on the floor. "What the hell?" I whispered under my breath. Suddenly, a groan came from next too me. I turned to my left too see Brandon tossing and turning. "Brandon!" I cried. His eyes shot open and he sat up, slamming his head onto the wall. "ARGH!" He cringed. My eyebrow rasied. "Brandon." I repeated. 'What?" He asked annoyed and hurt. "Look at us." I told him.

He stopped and looked at me, then himself, noticing we were both naked. "What happened?" he asked. His voice as groggy sounding as mine was. I shrugged, my body was sore. "Did we have sex?" I asked. Brandon hesitated. "I don't know. I drank too much."  

"Brandon that's not an excuse." 

"Well, do you remember anything that happened last night?" He asked me. I shook my head. "No."  

He sighed. "I'll let you get dressed. I'm going to go scope out the place. See if Tyler's still here." He said sliding on his jeans and heading out the door. I slowly crawled out of bed and reached for my bra and panties. I slid on Brandon's shirt and and ran into the bathroom. I quickly found some Advil and popped two in my mouth. Praying to god it worked within the hour. My stomach was growling and I needed food. I poked my head out the door and the house was silent. "Brandon?" I called. No answer. I walked further into the hall to find him staring at the living room, which was covered in trash.  

My jaw dropped. "Damn. I'd hate to be Tyler. Where is he?" I asked. Brandon walked over to the window and moved the curtain. "Found him." he chuckled. I peered over his shoulder to see Tyler sprawled out on the lawn. "Go check on him?" I asked. Brandon sighed and went out. I looked around for anyone else that could give me answers too what happened last night.

Suddenly, my foot hit something on the ground. I looked down and saw Kyliee Johnson sleeping with a bottle of vodka in her hands. I chuckled. Her long blonde hair just as soft as it always is. I shoved her shoulder and she woke up pretty fast. She blinked at me and smiled. "Morning sunshine." I told her. "Darcy! You're okay!" She said. My eyebrow rasied. "Of course i'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" I helped her up.

"You were so drunk last night. I got worried."

"Wait, you remember what happeend last night?" I asked. She shrugged. "A little. I didn't drink as much as you did thats for sure." I glared at her. She blushed. "Where's Brandon?"

"He found Tyler outside and hes trying to wake him up I guess." I told her. "Have you seen Adam?" She asked. "Adam Brinks? No." I told her. She sighed and started searching for her boyfriend around the house.

I turned around and noticed Brandon and Tyler waddling inside. "Tyler!" I called. He raised his hand in the air. "Here." He mumbled. I laughed. "You must be really hungover." I told him. We sat him on the couch. "Absolutely. But it was all worth it. Cause I got a kiss last night."

My eyebrow raised. "You remember getting kissed? I dont remember anything." I said. He chuckled. "Are you sure you don't remember? Cause i do perfectly." He winked at me. I glared at him. "WHat are you talking about?"

"You kissed me. Remember? When I handed you that drink? You just couldn't help yourself." He chuckled. My jaw dropped. "I did not!" I protested. Brandon's arm crossed. "Oh trust me, hunny. Werent you chewing pink berry gum?" He asked. My heart stopped and I looked up at Brandon as he walked outside.

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