Chapter 10: Regrets

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The next day, I was too tired too do anything. It was pouring rain, and it took all my strength to walk over to the couch and sit down, just too be inturrupted by the door bell. I rolled my eyes. "Tyler if thats you i'll kill you." I whispered. I used my strength to get up and walk too the door, but the face i saw when I opened it wasn't Tylers.

"Brandon." I whispered so low he didn't hear. He was soaking wet. "Please don't shut the door. I can explain."

"For what?" I whispered. "For everything. Please just, let me explain."

I hesitated. "You have a thiry seconds. Go."

"Can I come in first?"

"I don't think that would be a good idea, Brandon." I told him. He sighed. "Fine. Look, Darcy. I am so sorry about yesterday. I was drunk, I was just being stupid. I regret everything I might of said too you, Tyler, Kyliee or Adam. I had no right to disrespect you like that."

"You mean like you did when you left me pregnant?" I asked him. He paused and looked at his feet, water from his head dripping to the ground. "Look, i'm sorry. I just wasn't ready for a baby. I just got scared."

"You should of thought of that before you had sex with me."

"You had no clue what you were doing just as much as I did. Don't you dare say that being pregnant is my fault." I rolled my eyes and went to shut the door, but Brandon put his hand out. "You need to leave, Brandon." I told him. "No, please, Darcy. Please. Tell me you will never love me, and I will leave right now, and never come back." He told me. My heart started pounding, and tears bagan to form in my eyes. "I...I can't." I croaked.

Brandon wrapped his arms around my neck and cradled me into his warm, soaked sweatshirt. "I miss you so much." I slowly pulled away from him. "Too be with me, costs, Brandon. I have a baby. Either you be with me and the baby, or not have me at all." I told him. He looked into my eyes, a tear forming in his left eye. "I chose you. You and the baby, Darcy."

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